Chapter 33

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(1K........*Just died * let's see how much more we can get!!! Love you boo's!)

Ari's point of view.

(20 minutes ago.)

"Are you sure you don't want any." Niall ask's me while were in the hospital cafeteria. I shake my head no and take a sip of my cold mount in dew. He is holding a half eaten burger in front of my face waiting for me to take a bite.

"I dont want any okay!" I say rather rudely. He pulls the sandwich away and puts his head down like a little kid. I feel bad for him yet still mad about the whole situation from awhile ago.

"Ari...I know you have feelings for me...." 

"Stop Niall."

"No! I love you! I have loved you since the very day I grabbed your tiny wrist and pulled you into the small closet. When you snuggled up close to me when you were scared. I have loved you since the time you wrapped me in your arms cooing in my ear 'everything is gonna be alright' I saved you and you saved me." Niall is now standing up in the big lunch room and everyone seems to be staring. "When you would fall asleep, you" I catch a faint smile apear of his face. "You had this adorable little snore. Since then I haven't been able to fall asleep without it." 

I stare at him with my mouth hanging wide open. Shock has taken over me. 

"Your beautiful brown hair, fair skin. Dark brown eyes....nothing more beautiful."

"Niall I-"

"I know, I know. Your in a relationship....but didnt you feel something? Didn't you feel any little spark at all? I know I did! You may be only 14 but trust me, I would wait forever for you, if I had to wait till the day of my death I would." By this time Niall is in tears. His thick Irish accent slowly come's out in a sweet and comfortable way. Just hearing his voice makes the butterflies in my stomach erupt. 

"I love you Ari Manghera. I love you. I love you. I love you." He say picking up my small hands and cupping his in mine. He starts to lean in and I can feel myself blush and turn red. 

He feels it too.

"GUY"S!!! MADDY IS AWAKE!!!" Louis yells out of breath as he runs into the cafeteria. I quickly pull myself out of his grasp and start to make my way out of the room.

"Ari, why did you stop loving me?" He yells halfway down the long hallway.

"I never did Niall...and I never will."

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