Chapter 23

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Niall's point of view:

I turn the corner cautiously, Ari's hand grips tighter in mine. I can feel her getting more and more terrified of what may be there. I look behind me and yell for the lads.

"HELLO??? ANYBODY THERE???" I yell down the hallway. Me and Ari accidently went through a different tunnel and got lost. I mean..we were just walking and then we came to a intersection. We were far ahead of the others so we dedcided we would just go one way and meet them at the end of where ever the tunnel would end. And now were the dark......

"I-I'm really s-scared." Ari says as she nuzzles her head deep into my chest. I kiss her forhead to reasure her and she looks up and smiles a little.

"Did that help?" I say wrapping my arms tight aroud her petite little body. "Dont worry, we will find the lads and get back to the dressing room soon. I p-promise." I then look around to find nothing by blackness...were running out of light.

"W-we should go back." Ari says glancing behind her."I'm r-really afraid of the dark..." 

I don know what to say. How can everthing be okay if I dont know if our lives are both in danger. I know what to do though. The plan is risky but..this way I can know if we will be safe.

"I have an idea..but you need to stay here."I say looking her deep in the eyes.

"Hahaha very funny..Now I really think we should-"

I kiss her passionitly and pull her into my arms and hold her.

"What Niall? NO please.." She says grabbing onto my arm.

"I want you safe."

Then I charge into the darkness..alone.

What a great birthday present. 

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