Chapter 2- Coming home

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Anna's POV

Hours later our plane landed. I didn’t realise that the moment I agreed to come was the moment we would leave. Devin had a private and had taken the liberty of packing for me while I was still at work.

After thoroughly cursing him for going through my things we boarded our flight.  Now here I was, back in Texas, and on my way back to the place that I had called home for less than a year but which had felt like a lifetime.

A very different lifetime.

As we pulled up in front of the house I took a deep shaky breath. Devin had held my hand the whole way and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“I don’t think I can do this” I said “Devin I can’t”

“Natalie” Devin said “Remember Natalie”

“How am I supposed to help a man I wish would burn in hell?” I hissed, looking up at the window which I knew belonged to him.

“You do it for the people you love” Devin said “You do it for the people who still love him to”

The driver came around and opened up my door. Taking another deep breath I stepped out into the morning air, Devin followed right behind me and remained holding my hand as we walked into the house I became overcome with memories, most of which I would prefer to forget. I had barley crossed the threshold when I was wrapped in a tight hug.

“Mamma” I said, holding my mother just as tightly as I held her.

My mom looked at me and smiled, there were new worry lines around her eyes but her smile was genuine.

“Annabelle” She said “Oh my baby”

“Heather?” Devin asked “Where is he?”

My mom looked at Devin and her eyes became the same sort of sad I had seen in Devin’s late last night.

“In his room” She said “Hasn’t left there since Thursday”

Devin sighed and the pressure he was putting on my hand increased, almost to the point of discomfort. I looked up at him and grimaced but his grip loosened and he grinned reassuringly at me.

“Come on baby sister” He said “Let’s go let him know your home”

I grimaced at my mom and she gave me a worried look as Devin lead me up the staircase to the bedrooms.

Walking down the hall I had a brief flashback of Matt, kissing my neck while I leaned against the wall, my hands above my head, relishing in the feel of his lips on my skin. I blinked the memory away, never again.

When we finally reached his bedroom door I froze up. I didn’t know what to expect. I clutched to Devin’s hand and sort of hid behind him as he opened the door without even knocking and strode into the room.

“Get up” Devin barked, letting go of my hand and staling over to the bed, he pushed someone off of the bed which was accompanied by a loud thump and a shout of protest.

“You stupid son of a” A familiar yet rough voice growled

“Oh shut up” Devin snapped “Pull yourself together and stand up, there’s someone here to see you”

I gawked at Devin, he was never this rude, to anyone.

But his expression softened as he came back to me and took my hand, I instantly felt comforted.

“Don’t waste your time, shrink” That same familiar, yet harsher voice mawked “I’m far beyond that”

“You’re not far beyond her” Devin said bitterly “Trust me”

Two lives one world (Sequel to the Rock Star Prince)Where stories live. Discover now