Chapter 15: Did he Propose?!(No!)

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Aphmau's POV

That was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done.

We walked to my house hand in hand. Aaron packing a weeks worth of clothes.(Not that he ever wore a shirt anyway) and I was holding Lilith, who was playing with her pacifier.

It was late, the girls were probably already in bed. So, we decided to sneak up the stairs to my room.

But, they must've been having a movie night because as I opened the door the sound of screams found its way to us.

And Lilith started crying....

Well, fluff.

"It's alright, It's okay. Your fine." I found myself cooing to  her.

"Lilith!, Peekaboo!!!" Aaron had hid his face behind his hands and quickly took them away.

Her cries turned into happy giggling as she raised her arms at him to pick her up.

"Me?, Alright princess." He said taking her from my arms to his much larger ones.

She instantly became engrossed with his hair, and started playing with it. 

"Okay, what's with all the screaming?" I asked the two terrified looking girls on the couch.

"Sorry Aph, me and Kawaii~Chan were watching The Grudge." Katelyn replied, smirking at the Mei'fwa's shivering.

"Right, Aph, I'm gonna go put Lilith to bed. She looks pretty tired." Aaron pecks me on the mouth before going upstairs.

"Awwww, Aaron~Kun kissed Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan said her eyes suddenly flicking to the ring on my finger.

Her eyes bulged, staring at the diamond promise ring.

"Oh my Irene!" She fainted, leaving Katelyn to gape at the ring.

"Aphmau!, did he, PROPOSE! A-and you sail yes!?"Katelyn exclaimed, jumping over the couch to look at it.

"No!, it's just-" I tried to explain as she admired the diamond.

"This must've cost a fortune, and it's so beautiful. I'm so happy for you, when's the wedding?" She bounced up and down, obviously excited.

Katelyn!, it's a promise ring. H-he didn't propose." I was finally able to say.

"Oh...., well...., do you want him to?" She seemed slightly bummed, but asked anyway.

"WHAT?!, uh... I mean, I don't know. I-I haven't really thought about it. I replied, blushing beet red.

That is such a lie

Shut Up.

"That stutter says otherwise."Katelyn teased, squinting in a skeptically. 

"No!, I'm gonna go unpack." I yelled, turning my back on her.


"Have a good night with Romeo."

I hate you so much right now.

I marched upstairs, Katelyn really knows how to push every one of my peev buttons.

I carefully opened my door, hoping to Irene Lilith was asleep.

Instead I walked in to Aaron humming a lullaby to her. And it seemed to be working.

She slowly went to sleep, just when I thought she wouldn't.

He sighed, and stood up, ruffling his already messy hair.

I giggled and walked up behind  him, jumping to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Hmph?!, oh your playing like that are you?" He laughed, spinning around on his heel

He threw me up on is shoulder. Nuzzling into my stomach, he slammed me into the bed.

"Two can play like that!"

I tried to push him off, but he was much stronger and larger than me.

"No, you started this!" He chuckled, putting his hands on my waist.

I was laughing and trying to struggle, but he had me pretty trapped.

He pushed his head into my neck and started kissing it.

I giggled, tilting my head to give him more room. Suddenly...

Did he just bite me?!

My throat hitched, he had never done that before. Unfortunately, he seemed to notice.

"Are you okay?, do you want me to stop?"

"U-uh, I'm just not used to this." I replied, blushing ALL the shades of red.

"I'm not forcing you to do anything you know. I'll stop if your uncomfortable." He looked genuinely concerned, and had tilt his head slightly.

Why are you so adorable?

"I-I know, g-go ahead."I replied, putting my hand on his cheek.

One of his hands  traveled lower on my waist, the other copied mine. And he smiled.

"Only if your okay with it."

You pervs probably think they're *Ahem*. But I'm not one to put that in a book. So I'm gonna leave it to your imaginations to what happens next. And no, they're not by the way.

Aarmau: Uh... Oops. (Under RE-WRITE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon