Chapter 9: Caught

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Aph gets out of the hospital a day later. After her leg heals, Aaron decides to come over to Aphmau's place.

Aphmau's POV:

We aren't friends, but not dating either.

What are we?

"Aph, Your doing it again." Aaron said, a smirk bigger than a saucer.

I had absentmindedly been holding his arm, something I had done multiple times that day.

"Gotta problem with it?" I asked, leaning very close to him.

"Not at all." He responded, flopping back onto the bed.

We were watching The Ring(Which was a bad idea because I can't handle horror) And the girl on screen was being stalked.

"This is the point where I would just leave, screw the other girl, I'm out." Aaron commented, leaning against the bed board.

"It wouldn't matter, you would still be stalked until you died." I responded, having an amusing image of him as a girl.



The girls face, gray and deformed. Was frozen in a look of pure fear, as her white eyes rolled in the back of her head. Blood oozed out of every pore....

I jumped, grabbing hold to Aaron's arm again.

"Why?! I hate horror!" I cried, hiding my eyes from the screen.

I suddenly felt my body being lifted up, and when I came back down something warm greeted me.

Aaron had set me down on his lap and his arms didn't leave my sides.

"H-hey!, what are you doing?!" I stammered, redder than a beet.

He rested his chin on my head, and took my hands and placed them on his.

"Feel better?" He asked, momentarily moving his head.

"Y-yeah." Was all I could say before leaning back into his chest.

Aaron's POV:

What am I doing?

I had already picked her up before I regained control in my actions.

I could tell she was flustered, but I didn't blush, I didn't even flinch. The only thing I felt was the heat and electricity now coursing my body.

She leaned back into my chest and this time I did blush, but for only a second, I had to get comfortable doing this kinda thing.

We continued watching the movie like that(the jumpscares still made her jump) until it was over.

The credits rolled across the screen and I shot a glance at the clock.

One fifteen.

Was it really that late?

A yawn broke the silence and I looked down to see Aph looking up at me.

"Enjoy yourself?" I found myself asking, sliding my arms down to her waist.

"Well..." she teased, her hands dangerously close to my neck.

"It could've been better..."

"Aphmau?" I started, remembering why I was here in the first place.

"Yeah?" Her teasing tone had gone away and she looked fully awake.

Come on Aaron, just ask her.

What if she rejects me?

She won't.

"Will my...girlfriend?"

She edged off my lap and stared at the ground. Making my heart beat like crazy.

"A-Aaron, I....."

"Would love to"

My heart seemed to explode with joy, and before I could stop myself I was kissing her, and she was kissing back.

Heat and electricity rushed through my veins, driving me absolutely insane.

I couldn't control any of my actions, my heart was completely taking over. And I slowly pushed her down on the bed...

"Woah!, Oh My Irene, Sorry!"

We instantly broke apart, are eyes landing on a certain powder blue haired girl.

Oh, crap.

Aarmau: Uh... Oops. (Under RE-WRITE)Where stories live. Discover now