He nodded as if it made sense, even though I was pretty sure have of it didn't. "Kitty, you aren't a part of team rage, are you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about sir."

"I could call someone any minute to come and kill you."

"Then I might as well do what I came here to do," I said and leapt across the desk before Z had a chance to react. I quickly threw back his hood and caught a glimpse of blonde hair before he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall.

"And I was trying not to get into any fights today too," a voice grumbled followed by a loud smack out in the hallway. As Z was distracted by the noise, I was able to tear my arms out of his grip and punch him in the face.

I ran to the open window which was probably my best chance of escape. "Kitty? Where are you~" sang a voice from the hallway.

"Jack, I'm in here!" I called as I released Caterpie from his pokeball. Z hadn't moved from next to the wall, which was a little weird, but I wasn't going to question it, a lot of weird things have happened recently.

"Hey little guy," I said to the Caterpie in front of me. "I know we haven't known each other for very ling, but I need your help right now." I pointed to the window and the trees beyond. "You see that window? I want you to use string shot from the window to the trees. Can you do that?" The bug type pokemon shook in what I hoped was a nod before climbing onto the windowsill.


I turned to see Jack walking through the door. "I would tell you to stop calling me that, but I'm in a bit of a hurry now. Look, Z knows I'm not a part of Team Rage, so I need to get out of here-"

"Yeah, I know. That's why I punched those recruits in the hallway," he said calmly.

"Wait, what? You probably didn't have to do that. Anyway, if you did that, would you happen to know anything about Z over there? He's kind of frozen."

"Yeah, that was my Kadabra's secret move," he said dramatically.

"Secret move? Cool, how does it work?" I asked, hoping I would be able to teach it to one of my own pokemon.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it? Just, don't touch him, he'll unfreeze. Now, is the caterpie done?"

I looked out the window to see said pokemon climbing back towards us on a rope of sticky thread. "Yes, but be careful, it's sticky." Once Caterpie came close enough, I returned him to his pokeball and hopped out of the window.

It was a slow process, wiggling along the rope, and Jack's complaints didn't help either, but soon enough we made it to the base of the tree. I climbed down the tree and started walking back towards Viridian.

"Where are you going?" Jack called when he was safely on the ground. "Cerulean is this way!"

"I have to tell M-... ahem... Ghost all I know about Team Rage. He'll need to know about it so he can stop them," I said, quickly remembering that Jack doesn't know that Ghost is Meg.

"But I want a legendary," he whined. I ignored him and kept walking, but I could hear him reluctantly trailing behind me.

When we were a good way into the forest, I decided to let my pokemon out to walk with me. "Hey guys," I said as I hugged Charmeleon and Splashy. Caterpie seemed to like Jack more and was trailing behind him happily instead.

"Looks like someone has taken a liking to you~," I teased.

"You?" he guessed.

"No! Caterpie!" I exclaimed.

"But I don't like Caterpie."

"And I don't like you."

We walked in silence for a while, before Jack started the conversation again. "Who's that?" he asked, pointing the lone pokeball still hanging on my backpack strap.

"That's my secret weapon!" I exclaimed cheerfully, it was nice outside. The sun was shining, the pidgeys were chirping and I was helping to save the world.

"What type of pokemon are they?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?" I countered smugly. He just snorted and kept walking. Soon, we were back in Viridian.

Long-ish chapter, yay! I wanted to give a shout out to my friend Ashley because she helped me edit my first couple chapter because I'm a mess at writing XD Thank you!!

And you're probably wondering, writer, why are there so many masked characters? If you are, then I'm sorry because I don't really know myself, it just happens.

Also, I will probably upload again on Monday? If not, then Tuesday. I hope to see you all then!

Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! *rawr*

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