Genevieve groaned. "Alright, fine. I'll see you all tomorrow morning then."

Liana and I nodded before walking out the door. It wasn't too late in the evening, but the halls were completely silent. It looked like we had been the only ones up, so we quickly scurried down to the second floor and to our individual rooms.

Elisa and Beth looked up as soon as I walked in. "There you are!"

I blushed. "Sorry. We lost track of time."

"No worries dear." Beth shook her head. "You look quite tired though. I'd say it's time for bed."

I nodded and started to yawn, finally realizing how tired I really was. Elisa giggled, and the both of them helped me into a pair of pajamas and got me ready for bed. My hair had been in a braided up-do, so they took it out and let my hair down in gentle waves. As soon as I was finished, I crawled into bed and fell asleep nearly instantly.
"Miss! Miss Erika! Wake up!" Elisa shook my shoulders.

"What? What is it?" I shot up, quickly rubbing my eyes.

"There's been an attack on the palace. Come on, quickly! We have to get you to a safe room." Her and Beth pulled me out of the bed and rushed to the door.

"What? Who is it? Rebels?" I asked frantically as we rushed through the halls.

"We don't know miss. Now hurry." Beth wheezed as we ran. The halls were filled with guards running, and I could see other selected being led to the safe room. I couldn't help but think of James; he was a guard, so he was bound to be fighting with the others.

"Go dear, down the stairs. Follow the other girls." Beth gasped as we ran up to an open door where the other girls were going.

"What about you all? Where are you going?" I turned towards them.

"We have our own place nearby, don't worry about us. Now go!" Elisa nudged me down the stairs and closed the door before I could say anything.

I walked slowly down the steps, not sure what I would see when I reached the bottom. I was met with the sounds of crying girls sitting on rows of cots. The Royal family was sitting in a corner of the room, huddled close together. King Maxon and Queen America sat close together, Prince Cade and Princess Marlee on their laps. I was relieved to see that Genevieve was sitting on a cot, holding Everly close to her, while Derek stood beside the bed tapping his foot. I'd started to notice that he did that whenever he was nervous.

Liana was curled up alone on a cot, and I quickly rushed towards her.

"Oh thank god. I was worried when I didn't see you." Liana hugged me tightly as I sat down beside her.

"I'm glad you're okay too." I hugged her back tightly, relieved. Thankfully it didn't look like anyone was missing.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I know as much as you do. All we know is that someone is attacking the palace."

I sighed. "I can't believe it. We were talking about the possibility of rebels only a few hours ago."

"I know." Liana squeezed my hand. "But it'll be okay. Everyone here is safe, and I'm sure King Maxon and Derek will figure out how to fix this."

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