Chapter 6 - Being Worried

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*Baileys POV*

I woke up from my nap. I was happy me and drew were getting alone, and that me and wesley have been talking more.I think he has strong feelins for me but he's hard to read. He was mixed emotions, but he's really trying. I really liked him for that. 

I got up from my bed even though I wasn't suppose to, but I didn't want to bug drew or keaton, or wesley. I had to start doing this myself. It's been 4 weeks since I had that accident. I wasn't proud of what I had done, but my scars are healing and all the bruises are going away, I want all the pain to stop, but now and then I still have nightmares.

I walked over to my bedroom door and tried to open. I got it open and I wobbled my way down the hallway. I got into the kitchen and i hopped on the counter and found some food. I heard someone coming, I didn't want them to worry so I hopped off the counter and ran to the couch.

"Why are you out of bed?" Drew said.

"I've been in my room to long, I wanted to come out here" I said.

"Well you shouldn't been walking on your foot" he sounded worried.

"Please drew don't worry about me, my foot is getting better. I want to do something. Can you bring me around the place" I said.

"Only if you use your wheelchair and let me push you" 

"Of course drew, let me go get dress" I said getting up.

Drew ran over to me and put me on his back and went to my room. 

"Do you mind if Taylor comes along?" he asked.

Taylor was his girlfriend and I didn't like the fast that he hadn't told me about her for 2 years. I was mad about that, but I was happy he was happy!

"Fine, Can i bring Wes" i said smriking.

"Yeah sure"

Drew left the room and I got dressed. It took me about 10 minutes to get my shorts on. I finally got my shirt on and I wobbled back to my bed. I grabbed my wheelchair and hopped into it.

Wesley opened my door and looked shocked.

"Earth to wes? Are you ok" i said.

"I'm fine, you just look amazing and what did I tell you about walking on your foot" he said walking over to me and pushing the wheelchair.

"I told you I'm fine, I'm doing just fine, and you don't look so bad yourself." I said winking at him.

He wheeled me out into the hallway and out the door. Drew and taylor were waiting for us, she was super gorgeous but she did make drew really happy. I felt bad so i invited keaton hopefully we can run into a girl for me. As we started walking I felt like an awful person because wes could be surfing or skateboarding with his friends but instead he's pushing me around. I don't think he actually wants to be here. 

"Can you stop for a one sec, wes" i said whispering to him.

"sure, what's the problem?" he asked stopping the wheelchair and looking at me.

Drew and taylor, and keaton were still walking but it wasn't hard to catch up to them. They were really super slow walkers.

"I feel awful, making you push me around like this. You could be doing something else, but instead you're helping me." I said looking worried.

"Bailey, don't feel bad. I want to do this. I like being with you and pushing you around, it makes me feel in control" he said winking at me, and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

I blushed, I felt happy with him, he made me happy. He grabbed my wheelchair again and start pushing me again. He truely was amazing. We first went to the frozen yougurt place. I really liked the vanilla with gummy worms on top of them. I didn't like alot of toppings on mine, but as we were sitting down. I saw a girl looking over at keaton. 

"I'll be right back" I said to the gang.

"where are you going" wesley said.

"Just to the bathroom, don't worry wesley." i said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

I wheeled myself over to the girl. She was super pretty.

"Hi, I'm bailey, I couldn't help but notice you staring at my friend over there" I said to her.

"Hi I'm sammy, and yeah sorry I heard him play before, he's super good. I couldn't help it, he's super cute also. He seems like a cool guy, but I would never talk to him" she said.

"Sammy, if you would like you can hang out with us today! I haven't met anyone around here, and you seem like a cool person to hang with" i said.

"Sure I would love too" she said getting up and pushing me back over to the gang.

"Guys, This is sammy she's gonna hang with us today. If that's fine" I said.

I looked over to keaton and saw him blushing, It looked like he was into her too. 

"How about we go now" i said making it less awkward.

We all got up, except for me considering I was in a wheelchair, but I guess you know that. Drew and taylor were walking ahead, Keaton and Sammy looked like they hit it off right away. Then it was me and wes. He didn't look like he was happy. So i asked him to bring me home, Drew and keaton didn't mine they were too occpuied. I got home and wheeled myself to my room, I felt so bad about bringing wes, he seemed really upset. I wheeled myself into his door, he was on the phone with someone. 

"Do you have it or not?" he said saying it not to loud.

"It's a simple question do you have the weed or not?" He said.


I wanted to make you guys curious of what's gonna happen again.

I'm funny ;) Just kidding anyways Chapter 6 already !! 

I like writing so I like to update alot, I hope you like the story so far.

Have a good day! I Love you all 

Drew's Sister(A Wesley Stromberg Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant