Chapter 16: Hating You

Start from the beginning

"Please." He begged me again.

"Fine," I said. "but if you want me to stop, tell me, okay? I don't want to hurt you."


"Come here." I said, smiling while I grabbed him by the waist and moved him under my body to be on top of him. "Would you prefer top?" I asked in case of any doubts.

"It's fine like this."

"Are you sure? I think it'd be better for you to be on top, that way you can control the movement however you want. If you're on the bottom, it'd be me and I don't want you getting hurt."

"I trust you." Was his only response. "I prefer bottom. I feel more protected under your body."

"Alright." I said, starting to kiss him.

I calmly invaded his mouth with my tongue, I didn't want to pressure him and truth is, I was nervous. It was the first time I was going to do it with a guy and on top of that, with an unstable one who had been violated and might probably stop me any moment if his bad memories came back- and they would! I was completely sure they would. I was still thinking on how to evade that problem when it came up, because I don't know if I would be able to calm Deidara down when he started to remember. So for the meantime, I went along with much caution.

Deidara had stayed very much paralyzed- he kissed back and had his hands on my waist but it was like as if he was ashamed or scared to touch me. I noticed his hands shook and I knew he wasn't prepared for this, I didn't know why he wanted to force himself. I didn't want to contradict him for fear that he would get angry with me and that was my worst fear at the moment: to lose him. Ironic for the man without emotions!

I snuck my hands inside his shirt and caressed his abdomen, going up towards his pectorals and although I felt him tremble, he moaned softly. One of the best things about Deidara, was when he closed his eyes to enjoy the moment, letting himself go, completely trusting me. I took off his shirt with care, kissing him and licking every centimeter of skin exposed to me starting from his bellybutton, to his abdomen, kissing and nibbling his nipples on my way towards the neck, kissing and sucking on it while he moaned.

I grabbed his waist with force while my mouth devoured his neck tenderly. I swear he liked it when I touched his neck because there were a couple times when he arched his back- not a lot, but I noticed! When I started going down and arrived just above his pants, I noticed that things weren't going smoothly. He had tensed and a single tear rolled down his cheek. I wanted to stop at that moment, but Deidara didn't let me. He told me to continue and I didn't want to if he was going to be like this.

I looked at him and forced him to look into my eyes. He did it without flinching and I liked that about him. I focused on his blue eyes, now looking glossy about to cry and his breathing had gotten faster.

"It's me, okay?" I commented. "You're not with them, you're with me. I'm not going to hurt you. Relax and let's continue when you're better." I told him as I kissed him and distracted him for a good bit until he finally relaxed.

Once again gaining the first step, I tried to go back down to his member. Although he trembled again, it was less than last time and at least, he didn't cry. I lowered his pants and left his member out in the open to start massaging it, sucking it slowly and with care as to not scare him again.

He was tense at first, as if he didn't want me to go down but later on, he had relaxed and started enjoying the attention I gave him. I don't think he had ever gotten much attention, more like everyone had dedicated themselves to hurt him only to satisfy themselves, not once thinking about the blond. I did, however, and if I had to put his member in my mouth, I'd do it - anything for him. At least my father wasn't here to see me do this!

I took his member out, realizing that if I continued like this, he would cum and I didn't want him to do that so quickly - I wanted him to enjoy himself more. I still had to lubricate him and honestly, I had no idea what the hell they had done to him for him to be this tattered. Every time I saw his wounded body, a fury started within me that I did not know what to do with it. I kissed him again after lubricating him all I could and then I licked my fingers to begin dilating him little by little. He complained about the pain and I wanted to stop again, but he impeded me from doing so once again.

"Deidara, we could do it another day, seriously."

"No," he told me. "we've gotten this far, please. We only need the last step."

"Are you sure of this?"


I continued dilating him all I could, moving my fingers inside him. I kept asking him if he wanted to switch positions so it would be him who'd enter me so I wouldn't hurt him more, but he was fixated on this. I don't know if he was trying to demonstrate something or if he was trying to overcome his fear using me, because it was me whom he trusted.

When I was ready, I decided to position myself to enter, because although I asked him once again if he wanted to be on top, he ended up letting me do it. I entered slowly, as slow as I could and I could hear him complain. He tried to bite his lip as to not scream, but even so his facial expression was that of pain. I entered all the way and waited a few seconds before moving out slowly and once again moving back in.

To each movement, I started accelerating bit by bit until I noted how he dilated entirely, letting me enter smoothly. I also saw how he had stopped biting his lips to moan and I took advantage to touch his member again, this time to get him to cum.

He ended up cumming before me and as he moaned like he did, I ended up cumming inside him,filling him with my being and although he was tired, I asked if he was okay. He had a tear rolling down his cheek, but he said he was fine. I laid by his side, after handing him a tissue and hugged him as we fell asleep.

"Itachi." He called me and I opened my eyes to find his eyes, always so blue, looking into mine. "I hate you." He said with a smile and I smiled back because perhaps he couldn't bring himself to say he loved me, but he could say he hated me. I understood, and honestly, I wanted to say the latter.

"I also hate you." I said, smiling and he smiled with me before falling asleep between my arms.

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