Chapter Ten

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         Pretty Ridiculous, Iah thought to herself. She opened the box to find a beautiful purple dress, neatly folded with a lavender colored rose gently placed on top. The rose gave it all away.
     "Elijah." she murmured gently as she picked up the dress and held it towards her body. The top was very slim made of high quality chiffon and satin fabric making the purple change into darker hues under the candle lights. The bottom of the dress puffed out into what looked like a fully bloomed petaled rose. It was beautiful. Entranced by its beauty, she jumped heard the unexpected knock on the door. "Come in." she called out.
     It was Jinta who appeared with two other maids who were twins. Maya and Miya. "Orders to make you look extra beautiful today Princess Iah." Without any other questions all three of commenced work on her. One maid styled  her hair in a way that complemented the dress perfectly. A bright red lipstick, Blush and extra eyelashes were applied. When Iah looked into  mirror, her reflection showed a person she didn't quite realize, until she made a kind of quirky embarrassed kind of chuckle.
      "Wow." All three maids said in unison.

      "Princess, you are so beautiful..." Maya, the twin brunette with curled hair spoke up.

      "YES!" Far more beautiful than the other two princesses!" Said Miya, the Brunette with straight hair spoke out right after her sister.

      "But they are much more beautiful than I..." Iah protested, turning her gaze away from the mirror.

      "That's only because they apply daily cover up. You are a natural beauty, adding make up makes you stand out much more." Miya up in a much more aggressive protest. "Our princess is more beautiful."

      Iah looked over at the mirror once more. Iah felt herself to be like a doll, she couldn't even look at herself without blushing. Even she felt a bit intimidated by her own image.

      "Thank you three so much." Iah felt like crying. She has always felt self conscious about her looks. This was the first time she actually felt beautiful in her own skin.

       "Don't say thanks to us, Princess. This moment was sponsored by your one and only Prince Elijah." Maya replied. "Now don't keep him waiting! Go!" Maya pushed her out the bedroom door as she finished her sentence. Iah looked back at all three of them as they all started giggling. Jinta mouthed, Have fun, with a little wink and then closed the door behind her. Iah had no choice but to make her way down to the banquet hall. She felt very nervous and content.

      Iah found herself walking down the aisle heading towards the dinning hall. As she arrived butlers were ready to open the door for her.

     As the doors opened, Elijah stood there wearing an elegant black tailored suit with a similar lavender rose that was on the box resting on his left pocket of his vest. With a gentle smile, he stretched out his hand to lead her to her seat. As he pushed in the chair for her he whispered how great she looked.
Iah felt self conscious once more, she felt herself blush a bit, but then composed herself.
      "Thank you, although you probably wouldn't be saying that if I was wearing any other dress." A sweet smile radiated from his face.
      "Nonsense, even if you were to wear garbage you'd still be beautiful."
        As he walked over to his chair they waited and watched as the dinner was being placed in front of them. They both stayed in silence in the process.

      "I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to accompany me for this dinner. I honestly thought you would have said no." He chuckled nervously.

      "I had no plans to. I kinda was forced into it. and I'm not just talking about today." Iah felt her snark replies to  be directed towards the displeasement she felt towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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