Chapter Five

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     It's been two weeks since the day Sol and Iah met. The tension between the two has subsided and Demitrius has gone to visit twice since the other time. Usually, he catches everyone off guard and has Jinta bursting through the doors announcing his arrival.

     Although Iah don't necessarily dislike his visits, she really does like them actually! It's just she feels the tension between Sol and herself dissipating little by little, but then builds up again every single time Demitrius arrives. She doesn't really know their colorful past nor does she really want to know...even if she might want to, she believes somethings she should keep herself from sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

     For some odd reason, a sour, nauseating feeling emerges from her stomach emerges every time she thinks about it, so she just tries not to. She then instinctively grabbed at her stomach; the bad gut feeling was revealing itself once more.

     "Hey, airhead. Pay attention." Iah felt a bunch of leaves being thrown at her. She snapped back to attention and remembered she was in the middle of tending to her roses. Sol was helping her remove the dead twigs and leaves from the rose bushes because his patience with hurting herself with the thorns repeatedly diminished entirely.

     "I just don't understand, you tend to a garden but you always hurt yourself, it's troubling, almost annoying.". She looked over to find him with a very irritated look on his face.

     "Well sorry that I'm a complete nuisance, now if you can just hand me back these scissors, I'll take care of it myself." She reached over for the scissors he was currently using, all while he was squatting attentively snipping away at the dead twigs. "I don't want to see your pessimistic face right now."

     "I'm using them and plus I want to do this, anything to keep me from those dead end meetings." Sol remarked as he resisted my grasp of the scissors.

     "Well this was originally my excuse so I won't have to go!!" Iah emphasized the word 'have'.

     "Piss off, I said I'm using them!-"

     Right when Iah touched the tip of the scissors she realized something was off, literally. Her balance was completely off and majority of her weight was directly hovering above Sol. With little to no inevitability, she found myself collapsed on top of him. Both their eyes interlocked for what felt like an eternity to her. His bright golden eyes scanned the entirety of her face. Slowly, he took his time analyzing every single feature on it. His gaze slowly shifted from her chin and lastly onto her eyes, the gate way a persons very mind, and soul.

     Iah couldn't help but take notice of his sharp yet soft features as well. His soft kid like face was actually sharper than it appeared before to her; it was something she never realized. His square like jaw was not perfectly softened but was sharp toward the chin, his nose; a perfect petite size, his brow bone; prominently showing off his straight and sharp eyebrows. His pale soft skin and full lips, his rumbustious hair made him look really masculine and very handsome. She felt this electric shock right her my chest. It was a feeling that she never felt and she didn't like it. She pushed herself off as fast as she could. Her face was most likely as bright like a dying ember were slowly glowing on the lantern resting on the table. She attempted to hide it.

     "Sorry, I-" She said averting her gaze from him.

     "Your eyes..."

     Iah looked over to find sol still sitting on the floor covering half his face with his hand.

     "They're purple!"

     "Yes? You did not know?" Iah looked back to find that comment pretty stupid.

     "I always thought them to be blue but they are almost the color of a dark lavender." He finally decided to stand.

     "Well. They usually are purple...but they change between blue and purple when my power level is too high-" Iah realized she said too much.

     "Power, ay?" Iah looked away as if trying to find the scissors, that disappeared the moment they collapsed  just a couple seconds ago.

     "Where did those bloody scissors fall too?" Iah tried to avoid eye contact with Sol.

     "Look, I'll tell you my power if you tell me yours." His eyes were smiling sincerely. "I promise I'll keep it a secret." He pressed his index finger to his mouth.


     "Well, I was never supposed to show you or anybody here my powers because 'we are enemies' but you don't seem like much of a threat." He glanced over to her, as if trying to provoke her, and it seemed to work.

     "I guess your powers really aren't a big of a deal if you're trying to hide them that badly. If I wanted to I could destroy you and your entire kingdom-"Iah felt her nerves reaching their end. Her left arm and mind instinctively focused on the nearby water well. She then jerked her hand toward Sol. Before Iah knew it, sol was soaked in cold musky water. His face was full of surprise. She felt herself well up with self pride. At that moment, a sizzling sound came about, almost like cold water  being poured over a hot skillet. The sound was coming from Sols direction,Something that looked like a cloud of vapor was emitting off of his body.

     "You really shouldn't have done that. If I get sick, it's your fault!" In an instant he threw a fireball towards her. Her reaction was to block it with a wall made up of the bit of water that was on the ground. The challenge was on. Iah focused intensely on creating a fake copy of myself with the water that was now scattered all around them. It was much more difficult than the small figures she would create of herself in her room.

     Sol was wildly threw fire balls to every one of her copies in an attempt to see if he could hit the real one. she knew he was really trying to avoid actually hurting her. Iah and her copies kept throwing balls of water towards him in an attempt to get him to take the fight more seriously. Sol kept running towards the exit of the labyrinth and right when Iah thought she had him, she decided to throw a giant ball of water, at that moment she heard a gasp, she got him. The real problem was when she realized it was not caused by Sol.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! Life happened and I couldn't post anything. 

However, I have been thinking of new exciting material for my stories ^_^
Thank you for sticking with me through this part of my story writing process!!!

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