"Kitten, you seem to forget again and again about whom you're talking to," The taller of the two smirked, walking directly behind Niall so his crotch was dangerously close to the blonde's plump ass. Zayn allowed himself the pleasure to rub his semi on Niall's clothed ass, as he leaned down to whisper into the blonde's ears. "I'm the boss here. I make the rules." He watched with a smirk as Niall's eyes widened when Zayn somehow managed to slip his hands a little bit inside those damn tight jeans and with a firm grab, Niall gasped out a small 'yes,' once again giving Zayn the satisfaction of having the boy right where he wanted him. Niall was just so response and sensitive to his touch, always finding pleasure in the slightest of things that it turned Zayn on so incredibly well. He quickly grabbed the blonde's hand in his own, taking the apple Niall had placed on his tray and dragged the blonde towards where his "friends" were sitting at.

"You're going to sit with my friends?" Niall asked a bit confused. He could see Kylie smirking at them and Kendall openly glaring at Zayn and Niall wasn't going to stop Kendall anytime soon. Zayn really did need to keep his fucking hands off the blonde's nice curvy body. It was doing things to Niall, things he had never experienced before. His hands shook a little as he sat right next to a smirking Kylie, allowing Zayn to take the seat right next to him.

"Introduce me to your friends princess," the older man chuckled, raising an eyebrow at the girl who he knew was Kendall Jenner, the girlfriend of Cara Delevingne, the head cheerleader. He had often wondered how the two had gotten together because Kendall, with her geeky glasses and long hair tied into a messy bun was definitely not what Zayn had assumed to be Cara's type. He had dibs on the cheerleader going for Kylie instead.

"Why? We all go to the same school and I'm pretty sure you already know their names," Niall scoffed, bringing the pizza slice to his lips just the moment Kendall gave him his own as well, sliding it along his plate. The blonde smiled at the girl with his mouth stuffed with the cheesy delight, watching Kendall cringe before patting his head as if he was a little pup. He really didn't get why people kept on petting him like that. There was Zayn who had done the same in the library and Kendall always seemed to enjoy doing that. Niall remembered the one time Liam had fixed him on a date with a girl called Melissa and at the end of the night, even she had patted Niall on the head before parting ways. He didn't like her much anyways.

"Rude." Zayn rolled his eyes, turning his attention towards Niall kept on stuffing his food and how Kendall just kept on passing everything to him slowly. He wondered whether the girl even ate anything for her own self because he had pretty much witnessed her give Niall the pizza, the small slices of apple, and the french fries. She was basically just living on the small amount of salad and the fresh lime juice. He scoffed under his breath, labeling it as something related to girls dieting and all. He really didn't get why, him always preferring females which had a bit off ass and meat on them.

"Shut up and eat you apple, bitch." Niall whispered the last word under his breath, freezing completely when Zayn's left hand slide across his right thigh and proceeded to grab him there a bit harshly.

"Kitten, please keep your mouth close unless you want me to bend you over and spank that pretty ass of yours." The tanned man leaned over, making his lips ghost over Niall's earlobe before giving it a small nibble. He smirked at the sharp intake of breath from Niall, loving the way he was turning the blonde on so much by just a simple touch and maybe it was his words doing the magic trick as well. "Now give Daddy a kiss." Niall turned his head in the direction where his companion, his supposed 'lover' was sitting, his eyes widened in nothing but horror.

Niall could feel the blush rushing to his cheeks as Zayn's eyes kept on flickering to his lips, making the blonde stick out his tongue to moisten them. He didn't want to give in but the way Zayn made him feel was just so different. He knew all about sex, but having never experienced it first hand just made Niall all the more curious. He quickly leaned over a little, smirking to himself when an idea just flashed across his mind, a sweet plan to get his revenge for the humiliation he had to suffer today. He was certain that Kylie and Kendall, along with all the students in the lunch room were watching their interaction. Niall leaned a bit closer, letting his lips near Zayn's pink ones until their was hardly any distance between them. He moved his lips around, bringing them closer to Zayn's before creating a small distance.

"Boo you whore." Niall whispered on the tanned man's lips before picking up his tray and walking towards the trash can with a slight sway in his hips and he was certain that this time when the students were laughing, it wasn't meant for him but rather for Zayn. Victory did feel as good as an orgasm.

AN/ I am going to shop for skinny jeans and nice tops today! I do hope the hostel allows us to use laptops and even get our own WiFi data card. I will die if that's not allowed because I have paid the fees to stay there which means for at least 1 year, I will have to live there no matter what because 80K indian rupees is a huge fucking amount for me. They do have an internet cafe though . But to spend money on there every day :/

Apart from this:

Thoughts on the chapter ?

What do you think about Kendall and Kylie?

Thoughts about Kendall and Cara dating? I so ship them omg

What do you think about Zayn and Niall?

Isn't Niall just a cute little minx? I love him lol


Okay, SO MY NARRY FANFICTION TITLED "BRITAIN'S HOTTEST COUPLE" AS BEEN NOMINATED IN THE NARRY AWARDS BEING HELD BY -bottomleeyum ! It would mean a lot to me if you could go on their profile, in their published works you'll find one titled "The NARRY AWARDS" and just go to the chapter with the name of "Britain's Hottest Couple by xxnikita1dxox" and just vote on it and comment! It would mean the world. :)

Random question: For how many days can you survive without wifi?

:( :( :(

World's  Worst Boyfriend |z.h.|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ