Would You Like Girls

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"Would you lick both of my feet for a date with Liam Hemsworth?" Lauren asked the boy across the table from her.

Austin grimaced, but nodded. "For Liam Hemsworth, I'd do just about anything," he said with a sly smile. "Would you give Brad a handjob if your life depended on it?"

The brunette choked on her cup of soda at the thought of her ex-boyfriend. "No fucking way," she chuckled while coughing up a storm.

"Would you have sexual relations with a goat in exchange for thirty minutes in a closet with the cute shy boy in your English class?" Lauren questioned, taking a sip from her cup.

The boy pointed a finger to his mouth and pretended to vomit. "Ew, no bestiality! That's gross. I don't need to try that hard to get his attention."

Lauren shook her head and smiled. This was a common game that she and her best friend often played together. It was similar to 'Would You Rather,' but without the second option. There was always some kind of reward or catalyst mentioned.

"So...would you give a stranger a blowey for front row tickets to a Lana Del Rey concert?" Austin said, raising an eyebrow curiously..

Keeping eye contact with him, Lauren sensually wrapped her lips around the straw of her cup. When she began deep-throating it, Austin burst into laughter.

"So that's a yes then?" He spoke with a large grin.

Lauren let go of the straw with a pop and said, "Yep. Would you give both of my parents a full body massage to spend a day at Coachella?"

Austin paused and thought for a minute. "I would be scarred for life, but it'd be worth it."

"Spoken from someone who's already been, it would be worth it."

"Would you like girls for a day if I gave you twenty-five bucks?"

Lauren snorted and crossed her arms against her chest. "For twenty-five dollars? Of course I would."

"You wanna make a bet out of it?"

Lauren gave the brown haired boy a knowing look. She may have been straight, but she wasn't dumb. Money was money. If her best friend was willing to give her some for a bet, then she wasn't going to say no.

"I'm game. What's the wager?"

Austin smirked. He knew she wouldn't back away from a bet, especially if money was the incentive. The boy honestly didn't care if he lost, what he was really curious about was how far Lauren was willing to go for a measly bet. He was going to test his best friend's sexuality.

"I'll tell you after we find you a girl."

"Where should we look?"

Austin rolled his eyes. "Lauren, we're in a mall. Girls are everywhere."

"No need to be stereotypical, ass wipe. You come here all the time," Lauren countered.

"Yeah, that's because I'm a young gay guy who has nothing better to do than go with you to the mall and buy clothes. And you're a girl, too."

*Camren* One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora