Slow Motion

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Lauren sat on the couch in her apartment, watching something on television, when she heard someone outside. The brunette turned her head in the direction of the door the same time as her girlfriend let herself in.

Camila closed the door behind her and smiled. Lauren stood up from the couch and walked over to her, smiling as well.

"Hey babe." Lauren said as she kissed Camila lightly on the lips and pulled her into a hug.

"Hi." Camila replied, sighing contently in her girlfriend's arms. They held each other for a few moments before letting go and Lauren returned to her seat on the couch.

"How was work?"

"Ugh, painfully slow. The diner was a complete ghost town, even at lunchtime."

Camila worked as a waitress at the local diner in town, working from nine in the morning to five at night on weekdays. Lauren had a job too, but was off for the day.

"That's been happening a lot, hasn't it?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna go change out of this." Camila responded, looking down at her waitressing uniform in disgust.

"But I think you look fine in that." Lauren remarked. She loved it when her girlfriend wore skirts, which wasn't very often, because she would only wear them when forced to.

Camila rolled her eyes. "I know you do." She smirked knowingly, and went down the hall toward their bedroom.

She reappeared in the living room, wearing an over-sized sweater and boy shorts, and joined Lauren on the couch. Camila curled into her girlfriend's side and held her hand in hers.

"What are you watching?" The younger girl whispered in her ear.

"Tom and Jerry, I believe." Lauren answered, her eyes fixed on the screen.

"Is this what you've been doing all day?"

"If you're meaning by being a couch potato and watching TV all day, then yes."

"You poor baby." Camila chuckled and made a trail of butterfly kisses down Lauren's neck.

"I know, you left me here alone, and I had nothing better to do."

"I'm sorry. If it were possible, you know I'd never leave your side."

Lauren looked at Camila and smiled. "I know. Hey," She got to her feet, leaving her girlfriend on the couch. "I'll go make dinner."

"Oh, let me help-"

"No no, you stay here and watch more cartoons. I'll be back before you know it." Lauren insisted, winking at Camila before skipping out of the room. The younger brunette chuckled and shook her head.

Lauren walked down the hallway of the small apartment, but she didn't turn left into the kitchen. She instead continued on towards their bedroom and changed out of her casual tank-top and sweatpants.

The green-eyed girl grinned devilishly as she thought about her plan, which was to give her girlfriend a very eventful night. What with their working schedules always being quite different interfered in the couple's nights of passion. 

According to Lauren, they hadn't fooled around in approximately two weeks, four days, six hours, and three minutes. But that was all going to change by tonight.

She sauntered back into the living room when she heard Camila's voice in the other room. 

"Yes darling?" Lauren asked, stopping in archway of the room. Her voice dropped a few octaves, but her girlfriend was unaware of it. Camila's eyes were firmly glued to the TV screen, engrossed in whatever new cartoon was on.

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