Wedding Planners

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A/N: There's gonna be a reference to the tv show: The Good Witch. Just so you know. Casey Nightingale is in the picture above.

Hazel's POV:

~ Time Jump - Three Weeks Before The Wedding ~

"Alan, what time is it?" I asked curiously. We've all been busy organizing Hannah and Harvey's wedding, and it's extremely stressful. Harvey has given me time off just to focus on the wedding. I even recruited Kevin and Bella to help us out. "It's eleven o'clock." He replied. We've been spending the day trying to find a good caterer, florist, etc. "We better get to bed. Hannah wants us to meet her and Harvey at the venue." I replied. "Okay, but what about the caterers and stuff? We haven't found one that's going to work." He said as we cleared off the table. "I have an idea, but I gotta go out of town for it." I said. "I can go with you if you want me to." He said sweetly. "I'd love for you to come with me." I said with a smile. We got ready for bed, and prepared ourselves for another hectic day tomorrow. We woke up around seven o'clock to get ready and have breakfast before we had to meet Hannah and Harvey. When we got there we started making decoration plans we could follow for the day before the wedding. "Hannah, we gotta go out of town after lunch, I hope you don't mind. We haven't been able to find an available caterer and florets." I said after a few hours of work. "It's fine, I'll have Kevin, Bella, and some others helping. I'm glad the both of you have been so kind to help us out." She said kindly. "Your welcome." I said with a slight smile. "Did Harvey give you the times for the rehearsal dinner and everything?" She asked me curiously. "Yes, he gave them to me yesterday." I said. "Good." She said. We worked a little more before we all got lunch. I told Bella and Kevin where Alan and I were going, just in case of an emergency. "Where are we going? I don't think I've ever been this way before?" Alan said after a while of silent driving. "We're going to Middleton. I know a few people there thanks to my mom and dad; they moved there about three years ago." I said. "They have a beautiful light festival in late November, we usually all go to it. You should come along if your not busy." I said. "I'd love to." He said with a smile. We talked a little about the wedding and how nice Hannah has been to Alan. I was so glad the both of them were acting like friends, but it did take a while for them to get comfortable around each other again. Soon we were stopping outside of a little store called The Bell, Book, and Candle. We got out of the car and walked into the elegant little shop. There were different incense, oils, candles, etc. I loved coming here every winter and buying Casey Nightingale's homemade herbal teas. "Hazel, what can I do for you today?" Casey asked as she walked up to us. "We're looking for a good florets and a wonderful caterer for a wedding." I replied. "Are you two getting married?" She asked curiously. "No, my friend Harvey is." I said. "Well send him my regards." She said, smiling brightly. "I will. Oh, and this is my boyfriend Alan. Alan, meet Casey." I said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you." She said. "It's nice to meet you as well." Alan replied with a smile. Casey and I caught up with each other before she gave her cousin and her friend a call about the wedding. The said they'd do it, and we were able to pick out the menu and flower arrangements. I've always loved going to Middleton, it's full of magic, especially if your dealing with Casey Nightingale. "You better tell Hannah we have everything set." Alan said after we said our goodbyes to Casey. I ended up buying a few things while I was there as well. "You're right." I replied.

Me: Hey, we got a caterer and a florist. You're set!

Hannah: Great! Thanks, you and Alan are amazing! I didn't get to ask you, far along is your relationship? ;)

Me: Lmao. You sound like Kevin and Bella now. We know each other very well now; in July it'll be a year that we've been together. And we haven' know....yet.

Hannah: I'm glad he found you, the both of you seem perfect for each other; not to mention cute together as well. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy before. I think it's sweet that you two are waiting for the right moment to give yourselves to each other.

Me: Aww, thanks! :3 Alan's really happy for Harvey and you, and so am I.

Hannah: Oh no, I gotta go. I heard a crash come from the kitchen. Lol. It's probably Bella and Kevin again.

Me: Lol. Good luck, ttyl.

I told Alan what she said, he smiled. We listened to the radio all the way back into town; singing along to the songs we knew the best. I couldn't wait until this wedding this was over with, not that I hated being a wedding planner. It's just....It's way too stressful compared to my day to day job. I figure everyone else will feel a while lot better when it's over as well. Especially Harvey, watching him deal with this has been funny. When Alan and I got home we ordered a pizza and went to bed. Today was a long day.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Sorry it's short, and nothing really happened. The next chapter should be better....I hope. Lol.

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