The Lake House

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Hazel's POV:

"We're here." My friend, Bella said. Her and I were going on a well needed trip out in the woods for a few weeks. Her grandparents were letting us stay there over the summer, mostly because they were taking a road trip. She's has a pretty rich family, unlike me. Her and her parents are very generous to us, which we're grateful for. Without their help we'd probably be out on the streets. My father died about a year ago, and without him me and mom have been struggling. She said her brother was coming later today; he was gonna bring a bunch of groceries for us. He said he was gonna stay with us too. I guess he didn't want us to be alone unprotected. I don't blame him though, we are a good ways away from civilization. "Come on, let's get are things in the house." She said as we got out of the car. I grabbed my bags and see did the same before we unlocked the house. We opened the windows and turned on the ceiling fans to air the place out. "We could go boating on the lake later if you want to." Bella said as we walked upstairs. "Um, no thanks. You and your brother can; I'm not a big fan of boating." I replied. "Come on, it'll be fun." She said smiling. "No, I'm good." I said. "Okay." She said with a laugh. We got settled into are rooms and headed downstairs to watch some tv. I was so glad they had a tv here; I might have went crazy if they didn't. After a while we heard her brother's truck pull into the driveway. We walked outside and my heart dropped; Kevin brought his friend Richard along with him. Richard has been pestering me for a good year about dating him, and I've had enough of it. He knows I don't see him that way, hell I barely see him as a friend. He's an annoying prick if you ask me. "Hey baby, did you miss me?" Richard asked me as he got out of the truck. "Hey! You promised you'd be nice. If you're gonna start your shit on her I'll take you back home." Kevin said in a serious tone. "Fine, fine. Sorry." Richard said. Kevin was tall and very muscular, but he didn't look freakishly large. He has black hair and green eyes, just like Bella. Richard was a tad shorter than him, which barely any muscle at all. He has dirty blond hair and blue eyes. We all walked back into the house with arms full of groceries. It was going on four o'clock, so the others went out boating before dinner. I decided to cook since I stayed at the house. I hoped Richard wasn't gonna pull his shit around me, or I think I'd strangle him. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, which startled me a little. I checked the food and then walked over to the door. There was a tall man with brownish looking hair standing on the porch. He was wearing blue jeans and an oversized blue sweatshirt. He looked handsome in my opinion. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Savage told me to check on you girls. I live right next door, my name's Alan..Alan Rickman." He said in a velvety voice laced with a British accent. "Hi, my name's Hazel, Hazel Crain." I replied. "That's a pretty name." He said with a beautiful smile. "Thanks." I said, blushing slightly. "Where's Bella? I heard she was gonna be staying here as well." He said. "Her and her brother, along with a friend went out on the lake." I replied. "Oh, well tell her I stopped by." He said. "I will." I said with a smile. " here's my phone number. Just call me if you need anything, or....if you just wanna talk." He said with a slight laugh. "Thanks, I'll make sure I do that then." I said, and we both laughed. His laugh is probably the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. "I better get back home, I'll see ya around." He said with a smile. "Well, it was nice meeting you Alan." I replied, sticking my hand out for him to shake. "I hate handshakes, they're way to formal. Come here." He said as he opened his arms to me. I was nervous at first, but when he hugged me I relaxed in his embrace. He smelled so good too; I know that probably makes me sound so weird. "See ya around." He said after we pulled apart. He headed back to his place and I continued to cook dinner. After a while Bella and the other two came back. "That smells amazing Hazel!" Kevin said as they walked in. "Thanks, I thought you three would be hungry." I replied. We sat down at the table and ate in silence. "We should go out on the lake tomorrow. That was fun." Richard said as we went into the living room. "It would have been better if Hazel was with us." Bella said as she turned on the tv. "I told you, I don't like boating." I replied. "Cut her some slack Bell." Kevin said. "Hey, Alan stopped by. He said your grandparents told him to check up on us." I said. "I doubt it. They probably just mentioned it to him and he decided to check on us. Alan's a sweetheart; I think you'd like him Hazel." Bella said. "If you're trying to set me up with him-" I started, but she cut me off. "Relax, I just meant as friends." She said. She has been trying to set me up with someone since...the first time we became friends. Needless to say, it didn't work out to well. Richard was one of the results from her meddling. After a while I headed up to my room and took a nice hot bath. I put on a pair of black baggy shorts and an oversized Five Nights at Freddy's t-shirt. I laid on my bed and listened to some music when a though occurred in my head. 'If Bell and the others were going boating again...why don't I hangout with Alan? He seems like a nice guy, and I wouldn't mind getting to know him.' I thought to myself. I grabbed my cellphone and put Alan's number in my contact list before I texted him. I hope he didn't mind it. I just didn't want anyone overhearing my conversation.

Me: Hey, it's Hazel..from next door.

Alan: Hey, you're up late.

Me: I'm so sorry if I woke you. :/

Alan: Don't worry, I'm wide awake. How are you? :)

Me: I'm good. How are you?

Alan: Good. Um..would you like to hangout tomorrow?

Me: Sure, what time?

Alan: Probably around one o'clock. I thought we could possibly have a picnic. If you're okay with that.

Me: I'd love that. Besides, the others are going boating again.

Alan: I sense that you don't like boating.

Me: Not at all! I absolutely hate it.

Alan: Maybe you could elaborate on why tomorrow.

Me: I will. Lol. I better let you get some sleep.

Alan: Okay, sweet dreams. :)

Me: Sweet dreams. :)

I smiled at the thought of getting to know him better tomorrow. I just hoped Richard didn't find out. Seeing me with Alan would send him nuts, especially if he and I got along well. Not to mention that Alan's pretty handsome. I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head and drifted off into a deep sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you've enjoyed it. Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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