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Hazel's POV:

~ Time Jump - Two Days Later ~

"Cheer up Hazel." Kevin said. "Go see Alan, he always cheers you up." Bella said. "I feel like I'm smothering him. I've been over at his place for the past four days; I don't wanna push him away like a lot of other people." I said. "I think of he had it his way....you'd never be able to leave his house." Bella said wiggling her eyebrows. "Shut up!" I said throwing a piece of cereal at her. "She does have a point. I didn't think you'd ever be back." Kevin said. "Did he tie you up and have his wicked way with you?" Bella asked. "I told you. Just because I stayed at his place for tree days straight doesn't mean we had sex. We're just friends; how many times do I have to tell you this?" I said putting my face on the table. "Go see him. You're making me depressed." Kevin said before he walked outside. I moped around all day, but I refused to go to Alan's. I know it seems stupid, but I've pushed so many people away by smothering them. I wanna be around them because they mean a lot to me, but I end up spending too much time with them. They get bored with me, and I'm broken and alone. I didn't want that happening with Alan; I like him way too much. The day was almost finished and my phone started buzzing.

Alan: Hey, come meet me by the dock around eight. I thought we could just talk. :) I've missed you all day.

Me: I've missed you too. I'll meet you there.

Alan: See ya in a little while sweetheart.

Me: See ya. :3

I melted inside. I couldn't believe that he actually missed me all day like I was missing him. Well....he probably wasn't as mopey as me. I also couldn't believe he called me sweetheart!! I went up to Bella's room and told her that I was gonna meet Alan. She seemed ecstatic that I wouldn't be whiny for the rest of the day. I started to go to Alan's dock when Kevin walked in with five fish and a fishing rod. "I see you had fun fishing." I said with a slight laugh. "Yes I did. Hey, what's up with the sudden mood change?" He said with a knowing gleam in his eyes. "Alan texted me and wanted me to meet him at his dock." I replied. "Romeo wants to see Juliet, eh?" He said jokingly. "Oh, shut up." I said with a slight laugh. "Go have fun. Alan's a nice guy, and I think you two would make a cute couple if the both of you wanted to be." He said with a smile. "Well, I better be going. Have fun filleting those fish." I said. "I will." He said before I left. The sun was going down and it started to get chilly; I started to regret not bringing a jacket. When I made it down to the dock Alan was sitting there tossing stones in the lake. "Hey." I said to get his attention. "Hey, come and sit." He said patting the space beside of him. I did as he said and soaked in the beautiful scenery and growing night noises. The sun was still up, but barely. I suddenly shivered, and it didn't go unnoticed. "Are you cold?" He asked curiously. "A little." I replied. He started taking his oversized blue sweatshirt off. "You don't have to do that." I said feeling guilty. "No, it's fine. I usually stay warm anyway, here put it on." He said sweetly. I put his sweatshirt on and enjoyed the warmth it brought, not to mention it smelled like him. He let out a lovely sounding chuckle, and I wondered what was so funny. "What?" I asked curiously. "You look so cute in my shirt. Maybe I should let you wear my clothes more often." He said with a big goofy grin on his face. I couldn't help but blush and I hoped he couldn't see due to the dim lighting. "I missed you so much today." I said, trying to change the subject. "Why didn't you call or come over? You can come over whenever you like; I love being with you." He said, which made me melt inside. "I just...didn't wanna smother you." I said shyly. "You can't smother someone who wants you around all the time." He said as he pulled me closer to him. "Do you really like being around me so much?" I asked. "Of course, and to prove it..." He said trailing off as he picked me up. "Alan!" I said giggling. "You're staying with me tonight." He said as he nuzzled my hair. He carried me up to his house and we sat down on the couch where we cuddled. "You're so good for me. Without you.....well..I don't know." He said before he kissed my forehead. "You're good for me too." I replied as I kissed his nose, which made him smile. "So you kiss my freakishly large nose?" He asked with a laugh. "Hey, your nose is beautiful." I said blushing. "Is that right?" He asked with mischief in his beautiful eyes. He snuggled his nose up to mine, which made me giggle. When our eyes locked I wanted so bad to kiss him, but I was so afraid to. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I couldn't stop from falling for him. He's just....perfect. What if he didn't have the same feelings? He started to glance down at my lips and then back up to my eyes. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy, and I felt so nervous. He placed his fingers underneath my chin and gently tilted my head to the right. He tilted his head to the left as he slowly leaned closer, and are lips met. I instantly closed my eyes and kissed back. His lips were so soft; I just didn't want it to end. The slow and gentle kiss felt like heaven to me. All my nerves and all the butterflies washed away in that sweet moment. We slowly pulled apart and we were both flabbergasted by the effect it had on us. "That was...." I said trailing off. "Wow." He stated. "Yeah." I replied. "Hazel....I...I hope that wasn't too soon. I just....I haven't felt this way in a very long time; I don't want anyone else to snatch you up." He said with the sweetest look in his eyes. "It wasn't too soon. And...no one can snatch me from you no matter how hard they try." I said. He smiled and pulled me on top of him. His legs were on either side of me and my mead was nestled in the crook of his neck. Every time I'm with him nothing else seems to matter except us. I know we still need to learn more about each other, but at least I know are feelings are mutual.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this cute little chapter. Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

The Lake House | Alan Rickman [Complete] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ