Back To Work

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Hazel's POV:

~ Time Jump - A Month Later ~

Alan and I grew closer and closer every day we spent together, which I was grateful for. Kevin and Bella made extensive amounts of hints about me and Alan having sex. We haven't had sex, but they like making it seem like we have. All Alan and I have done is kiss and cuddle, and that's enough for me. Frankly, I'm terrified to have sex, because It'll be my first time if Alan and I go all the way. We had to leave the Lake House and get back to our jobs. It was so hard for me to leave Alan there all alone, but he seemed fine with it. It's been three weeks since I've seen him, and I feel like I'm gonna die any second from missing him so much. "Hazel, do you have that report finished yet?" My boss, Harvey asked. "I'm almost finished. I just have to edit it some and It'll be on your desk." I replied. "Good. So, how was your vacation?" He asked curiously. "It was great. I had a lot of fun." I said with a smile. "Who is he?" He asked with a slight smile. "What do you mean?" I asked acting innocent. "Come on, that glow you had in your eyes when I mentioned your vacation. You met someone special, who is it?" He said as his smile broadened. "Fine, I met a wonderful guy. He's sweet, funny, handsome, and he's my boyfriend." I said with a smile. "Aww. I'm so happy for you." He said with a smile. Harvey has known me ever since I started high school, and he let me start here right after I graduated. He runs a newspaper company, and I just edit some of the articles. It's a boring job, but it pays good money. "Thanks." I replied with a smile. "Hazel, someone brought you flowers." The receptionist said as she walked over. "Who are they from?" I asked curiously. "I didn't read the note." She replied with a smile. She walked away, and I hoped they weren't from Richard. "Meet me at the cafe down the street for lunch, we need to catch up more." Harvey said with a smile. "I will." I replied. I took the note off of the flowers and braced myself.

Dear Hazel,

I miss you like crazy! I'll be in town tonight, and I was wondering if we could go out for dinner. Maybe you could come down to the lake and visit me sometime; when you're not busy, of course. I hope your having fun at your job. Tell Bella and Kevin I said hi. Hope you love the flowers! I love you Hazel, call me later. <3

- Love, Alan

I blushed and read the note about three times. I inhaled the lovely sent of the white lilies he sent me; they're one of my favorite flowers. I suddenly began to feel guilty for some reason. I felt as if I hadn't been giving him much attention ever since I got back to work. I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head and continued working. Once I was finished I gave Harvey the report and we went to lunch. "There's some news I wanna tell you Hazel, but I don't know how you're going to take it." Harvey said after we ate. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "I'm getting married." He said. "Oh my gosh! That's wonderful!! To who?!" I asked curiously. "Hannah Rhodes. She's absolutely beautiful; her and her blue eyes and blond hair" He said. "I'm happy for you." I said with a smile. "Thanks, I want you to meet her. How about tomorrow morning for brunch?" He said. "That would be lovely." I replied. After a while we headed back to the office and I called Alan, letting him know it was okay for us to go to dinner. I couldn't wait to see him again! After work I was completely exhausted. I had to edit three more articles, and deal with a very annoying co-worker. I dragged my feet to my car and headed home to take a bath and change. After I changed I sat on my couch for a while just to wait on Alan. I gave him my address when I called him earlier. Suddenly my phone buzzed, and I wondered who it was.

Bella: Hey, we should hangout this weekend.

Me: What did you have in mind?

Bella: We could go see a movie or something. The new Star Trek is on. Maybe Alan would like to come too. :)

Me: That sounds fun. I'll ask Alan later; he's taking me out to dinner.

Bella: Aww. I hope you two have fun tonight. I'll tell Kevin we're going to the movies Saturday night.

Me: Okay, ttyl.

After I finished talking to Bella, someone knocked on my door. I got up off the couch and went to see who it was. Alan was standing on my doorstep looking as handsome as ever. He was wearing tan colored pants with a blue buttoned t-shirt and a black overcoat. "Come here, you look beautiful." He said with a charming smile. He wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug that I thoroughly enjoyed. I wrapped my arms around his torso and nestled my head in the crook of his neck like always. I hadn't realized how much I missed his hugs until then. "You don't look bad yourself." I said with a slight giggle. "Are you ready?" He asked curiously as we pulled apart. "Yeah." I replied. I locked up and we headed into town in his car. "Bella asked me if you'd like to go see the new Star Trek movie this Saturday. I know you don't care much for Star Trek, but it'll be a good way for us to hangout again." I said. "I would love to go." He said. "Really?" I asked, slightly shocked. If I was still with Clay he would refuse to go see a movie he didn't like. "Yeah. As long as I'm with you it doesn't matter what we're doing or what movie we're watching." He said with a sweet smile. I smiled back and a comfortable silence fell upon us. Before I knew it we were stopping in front of a small Italian restaurant I knew well. It was my favorite when I was a little girl, and it still is to this day. "I hope you like Italian." He said as he opened my door for me so I could get out. "Like? I love Italian food." I said, which made him chuckle. "Good." He replied. We walked up to the front doors and he opened them for me like the gentleman he is. A man with short black hair and brown eyes took us to the back of the restaurant, which I was grateful for. At least we would have more privacy. We ordered our drinks and we were alone again. "Have you been here before?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, a long time ago. Have you been here?" He said. "I have actually, but it's been a long time for me as well. I'm glad you brought me here." He said with a smile. "Good, at least your happy with my decision making." He said with a laugh. I laughed as well and shook my head at him. We took a gander at our menus, and I decided on getting chicken fettuccine. The waiter came back and gave us our drinks, which allowed us to order our food. He got spaghetti and meatballs. "So, how has work been?" He asked. "Stressful. I've been editing articles like crazy." I said. "At least you're keeping busy." He said. "Yeah, but my boss is getting married and he'll probably want me to help with the wedding and everything." I said. "Wow, you will have a lot of work to do. Weddings take a lot of work, depending how big it is." He said. "I know." I replied with a sigh. We turned all our attention on our food, and didn't talk until we were both finished. "How have you been? I'm sorry I haven't been giving you a lot of attention." I said. "It's fine, Hazel, I know your busy. I've been good despite me missing you all the time." He said with a warm look in his golden brown eyes. "I'm here now, and...if you don't mind I'd like to spend the night with you." He said as he took my hand. "That's fine. I'd love for you to spend the night." I said with a smile. "Good." He replied smiling. The waiter came back to get our plates and ask if we wanted desert. We decided on sharing one, which was a lava cake with whipped cream on top. When we were finished we left and stopped by the park to take a little walk. "The sky is beautiful tonight." I said as I gazed up at the stars and full moon. "It is, but not near as beautiful as you." He said softly. I looked over at him, and he swiftly captured my lips with his. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him before he wrapped his arms around my waist. I snaked my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his soft hair. "Ew, gross! Get a room!" We heard a few kids say, which made us jump apart. They took off running towards the near by convenient store. I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I'm sure my entire body was blushing. He moved closer to me and kissed me on the lips once again, but this kiss was shorter. "I love you Hazel." He whispered after he pulled his lips from mine. "I love you too Alan." I replied softly. We walked in comfortable silence, hand in hand. By the time we got back to my place it was going on nine o'clock, but I didn't mind. Even if I had to get up early tomorrow to meet Harvey and his fiancee; every second with Alan was completely worth it.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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