The Picnic

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Hazel's POV:

I woke up the next morning around nine o'clock, and got ready for the day. I put on some black jeans, a plane dark green t-shirt, and my black converse. I headed downstairs and saw that nobody was up yet, so I started making breakfast. "Good morning baby, did you decide to make your man some breakfast?" Richard asked as he came up behind me. "Leave me the fuck alone! Can't you understand that I don't love you!?" I said. "I understand that you're in denial of your love." He said with sickening smile on his face. "Go to hell." I replied. Kevin walked in and punched Richard in the face. "What the fuck was that for?!" Richard yelled. "I told you to stop your shit. Hazel doesn't like you, so leave her the fuck alone. Is it really that fuckin hard to do?" Kevin said, obviously pissed. "Whatever, just fuckin take me home then. I'm done, and we're not friends anymore." Richard said. "Fine by me. You've been my friend for the money, and you can't deny that either. I heard you on the phone last night." Kevin said angrily. Bella came down, and they went silent. I guess Kevin didn't want his sister to know what Richard was doing. We ate breakfast and Kevin took Richard home. "What should be have for lunch and dinner tonight?" Bella asked as she looked in the fridge. "I don't know, but I'm going on a picnic with Alan for lunch." I replied. "Get it girl! He's a fine man." She said with a wink. "I just wanna get to know him better. That's all, maybe I can make a friend that doesn't want to set me up all the damn time." I said, which made her laugh. "Whatever, but I think you two will really hit it off. He's a sweet guy, and you're a sweet girl." She replied with a smile. Kevin came in, and they got ready to go boating like they planned. I figured he'd break the news to her about Richard alone. After a while I heard a knock on the door, and I figured it was Alan. He told me he'd come over and we'd walk to the picnic spot he picked out. I opened the door and smiled. He was wearing a white buttoned shirt with blue jeans and some white tennis shoes. He looked handsome even if the outfit he was wearing was simple. "Are you ready to go?" He asked curiously. "Yeah." I replied. He offered me his arm, and I took it willingly. Are arms were linked as we walked towards his place. I felt safe with him surprisingly. I'm usually over suspicious about everyone I meet, but he seemed to make me feel at ease. "So, how old are you?" He asked after a while of comfortable silence. "Twenty seven." I replied. "I'm thirty three." He said as we walked down a dirt path. "What do you do for a living?" I asked curiously. "I'm a writer. I've written the Temporary book series." He said. "So you're Mr. August. Bella let me borrow them, and I loved them!" I said with a smile. I figured he gave a fake name so the readers didn't know who he was. It's actually pretty smart. "I'm glad you like them. I've been trying to write a new book, but I haven't found any inspiration. I guess you can say I have writers block." He said with a slight laugh. "I know how you feel. I write for fun on an app called Wattpad, and sometimes it's hard to find inspiration." I said as the lake came into view. "Really? I'll have to look that up one day. I'd love to read some of your work." He replied with a smile. "Wow." I said as we stopped at the picnic spot. "I thought you'd like this spot." He said with a beautiful smile. A red and white checkered blanket was on the grass under a willow tree. There was a small rowboat sitting next to the shore; I hoped he wasn't intending on me getting in it. We sat down and he started taking the plates and food out of the wicker basket. "It's beautiful here." I said as I took in the scenery. There wasn't another house for miles, and I loved it. The seclusion made it even better for some odd reason. "I know, that's why I moved here two years ago." He replied. "After seeing this...I think I might have to as well." I said, which made him laugh. "I wouldn't mind having you as my neighbor." He said with a sweet smile. We ate and made small talk. Telling each other out favorite colors to our favorite movie, etc. "So, why do you hate boating so much?" He asked after a moment of silence. "When I was eleven my family and I went boating one afternoon. Everything seemed fine until it started storming. My brother...he..he ended up dying to save me, and I just haven't been able to get back on the water." I said. "I'm so sorry Hazel." He said with sympathy in his golden brown eyes. "It's okay." I said with a sad smile. He pulled me into a hug, and I instantly relaxed in his embrace. There was something about him that made me feel at peace. I felt like nothing could go wrong. We pulled apart and I realized how cute and adorable he looked. I shook the thoughts out of my head and realized the sun was starting to set. "What time is it?" I asked curiously. "It's going on six o'clock, why?" He said. "Oh gosh, I gotta go fix dinner." I said, facepalming. 'How could I have lost track of time?!' I thought to myself. "I'd love it if you could stay." He said in his velvety voice. Shivers went down my spine, and I wished he didn't notice. "So would I, but Kevin and Bella are useless in the kitchen. They'll burn the place down." I said with a laugh. "I know what you mean. Their grandparents talk about their lack of kitchen skills all the time." He said with a laugh. "I'm sorry I have to go." I said with a sad look in my eyes. "It's okay. Let me walk you back." He said as we got up. He walked me half way back to the lake house, and gave me a long cozy hug. I don't think I've ever met someone who could hug as good as him. "Come over tomorrow?" He said in a questioning tone. "I'd love to Alan." I said with a smile as we pulled apart. "Good. See ya tomorrow then." He said with a big smile. "See ya." I said before I walked on. I looked back and saw him watching me walk away, so I waved and he waved back. I'm pretty sure he watched me until I disappeared, but I thought it was sweet. I walked into the house and took out some hamburger to make hamburgers for us. I couldn't wait to see Alan again tomorrow. "So, how was lunch?" Bella asked after Kevin went to bed. "It was nice." I replied. "Well?" She asked. "Well what?" I asked curiously as I shut the tv off. "Are you going to see him tomorrow?" She asked. "Yeah." I said raising an eyebrow. "I told you he'd like you." She said smiling. "I'm going to bed." I said with a laugh. I took a bath and put on pajamas like before, but my dreams consisted of Alan Rickman.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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