"Choco, this is not you, stop please!" Kenny begs though tears

"Kenny it is a dream, the Stranger is just messing with our heads. He is trying....." Brandon gets cut off with a rag being violently force into his mouth, then having duct tape go over his mouth, Brandon looked up to see Matt smiling with the tape in his hand.

"Man your voice is annoying." Matt states and he lays Pete down on his back, he then grabs his legs and pushes them together before wrapping the duct tape around his ankles tightly. He then makes Brandon stand on his hands. Makes Brandon's hands into fists before wrapping the duct tape around his hands making them useless. Matt smiles at him before pushing his wrist together and taping them tightly together. Brandon looks confused, and Matt smiles at him.

"Sadly, I don't have a cage.Or I would have put you in there. Animal."

Kenny watched what happened to Brandon and he got scared. He looked up at Choco to see that he has tape in his hand. Kenny shrinks away but Choco pushes him so he was laying down. Choco then starts to wrap the tape up his legs, like a mummy. When Choco reached his waist the tape roll was gone. He grabbed another one but he undid Kenny's handcuffs and folded his arms over his chest to form an X. Choco taped his arms together like that and them let them rest against his chest. Choco starts goes back to when the tape stopped at his waist and started to tape him up again.

"Choco, stop, please, just stop." Kenny begged as he started to shirm. Choco just rolls his eyes and continues to tape Kenny. until the tape was around his neck, and the rest of his was tape up like a mummy.

Choco and Matt stood up to examine their work. Kenny looks over at Brandon to see him trying to break the tape, and there were also tears in his eyes. Brandon then looks over at Kenny, tried to stop the tears.

"Are you okay?" Kenny asked him

Brandon shakes his head and starts to pull at the tape again, Matt notices and pushes him against the floor and forces his hands above his head and tapes them to the ground.

"Oh, Brandon, you don't think you could try and undo the handwork I did" Matt states

Matt leans down and kisses the top of his head, then slaps him.

Brandon has tears in his eyes again and he looks at Kenny.

"What are you doing? You love us. Right?" Kenny asks

"Oh Kenny, we use to love you until the Stranger told us how useless you two where. How weak and stupid.." Choco states. As he walks over to Kenny and Matt walks over to Brandon. Choco kicks Kenny in the side and Matt kicks Brandon right in the gut causing them both to scream, Brandon's scream muffled by the gag.

Choco and Matt continue to beat up the two hybrids until they were sobbing and begging them to stop.

"I will stop, Brandon. But....You stay like that." He just nods and Matt takes the tape off his wrist holding them to the floor and then picks him up bridal style. Matt lays Brandon on the bed and sits next to him, and Brandon cries silently. Choco looks down and Kenny and smiles, he picks him up and lays him down on the bed.

"Be good, animals, we will be back soon, to beat you up again." Choco states as they both walk out of the room.

Brandon rolls over and looks at Kenny. And Brandon some how managed to get the tape and rag out of his mouth.

"It was fake Kenny, this was all fake." Brandon states as tears flow down his face. "It may feel real, but when we wake there will be nothing, no pain. It is fake."

Kenny nods his head. He believe Brandon, but doesn't how can a dream feel so real?

Brandon ends up falling asleep and so does Kenny, but with tears streaming down their faces.

~~End of Dream~~

Kenny's Pov:

I wake up with a start, and open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out.. I go to run my hand though my hair only to find them immobile. I look to up to see my hands chained to the ceiling.

"Kenny? Are you okay, I can't see you!?" I hear Pete ask. I look around the room to see him the same position as me but with a blindfold covering his eyes.

"You are here right. Please tell me you are hear!" Pete states, I sense that he was starting to have a anxiety attack but when I go to tell him that I am here, I can't.

"Kenny?" Pete asks again as I see him mentally freaking out.

I see tears falling from under his blindfold as his anxiety attacks starts but I couldn't do anything about it. He starts to pull against the chains, and his breathing heavies.

"So, the slime is having a panic attack. This is amusing!" I hear the stranger state.

I look over at him and he smiles at me.

"And you can't do anything to help him." The stranger taunts.

Suddenly the rattling to the chains stop and I look over to see Pete not moving and slack.

"What happened?" The stranger asks as he walks over to Pete examining him.

I roll my eyes and just stand there. I hear the stranger sigh and he walks up to me with a knife he cuts open my throat and I freak out.

"Oh, stop. I am giving you your voice back." I hear the stranger say.

After a few minutes the stranger uses his magical sewing tinging to sew my neck back together.

"Now what happened?" The Stranger asks

"If his anxiety attacks last long enough he will pass out." I state

"How long do you have to calm him down before he passes out?" The stranger asks.

"Usually 8 minutes."

"How long will he be out for?"

"About an hour."

I see the strange smirk.

"Then I can do whatever I want to you and he will not be yelling at me." He states.

I tense up and the stranger walks over to a metal table and grabs a yellow syringe. He shoves it into my arm and pain shoots up my spin and I scream...  

{Editing}  Taken ( A Pack and Friends AU )Where stories live. Discover now