Chapter 10 - "Isn't it well past your bedtime baby girl?"

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(A/N): you best read the an at the end or i will stab your eyeballs out. 

The smirk on Michael's face was a stark contrast to the petrified look my pale face held.

"Isn't it well past your bedtime, baby girl?" Calum cooed in a baby voice from the passenger seat. He held a cancer stick in his mouth, taking a puff and twirling the cigarette between his fingers.

"Get in." Michael ordered, tilting his head towards the backseat (serenade :p), while one arm hung lazily out the rolled down window as if he thought this was just a casual, little, meaningless game and I was their play toy.

I was scared, drunk and unaware of my surroundings... 3 things that didn't go so well together, so I found myself stepping into the back where I was met with a passed out Ashton. I couldn't see too clearly in the darkness but I looked like he was strapped in, his curly head pressed against the window and his arm laying limply to the side.

As I cautiously sat down, I felt a warm, wet liquid meet my butt and I groaned in disgust. Dipping my fingers in the substance and holding it up to the moonlight. A loud gasp of horror escaped from me as I stared at the thick and sticky, crimson liquid that coated my fingers. I looked closer at Ashton and my eyes widened as I saw the gaping hole in his chest, so close to his heart and I was pretty sure that there was a bullet lodged there beneath his skin.

I guess you could say I sobered up pretty quickly after that as the car sped along the deserted highways, my eyes glued to the injured and unconscious boy next to me. My head was pounding as my thoughts were a jumbled mess

What had happened?

Why the heck would you shoot your own partner in crime and still be so chill about it?

What dodgy dealings were these boys involved in?

"Are you going to the hospital?" I wondered aloud, breaking the silence that silence that ghosted through the air. Calum twisted in his seat to give me an 'are you stupid?' look while I rolled my eyes at him, rephrasing my question.

"WHY aren't you going to the hospital?"

"Because you stupid bitch, don't you think we would be recognised if we went out in public?" Michael said, pushing his foot down further on the accelerator, narrowing his eyes at me through the rear view mirror menacingly.

"Didn't you already do that once before?" I sassed the blue haired smurf right back. But before he could come up with some stupid remark, I changed the subject to the first thing my mind thought of.

"Well he's losing blood and if you don't get him fixed up, I'm pretty sure he's gonna die." I said flatly, telling no one in particular. I didn't even know why I cared and I took a few solid seconds to wonder what was wrong with me.

"We know, and that's why you're gonna stich him up." Michael smirked once again and I snorted out loud as if to say 'you can't be serious?' but when he didn't respond, I pulled a poker face.

"Why me?"

"Because little miss surgeon, we know exactly what you planned to do after college."

And my face dropped, as well as my heart.

"How do you know that?" I whispered, but he only chuckled.

"We know more than you think." Reminding me of the exact same thing Luke had said the day he kidnapped and ruined my life forever.

"This would be a good practise though, don't you think – when you ever become a surgeon!" Michael laughed at his own sick joke.

"Don't you mean IF?" Calum interjected as they both laughed together while I refused to let the tears fall.

The rest of the stupid car ride was in dead silence that even the sound of a pin dropping would be considered loud and I closed my eyes for a while taking it all in before the car came to an abrupt halt and my already aching head collided with the back of Michael's seat.

I was pulled out of the car, harshly falling onto the muddy floor for the umpteenth time tonight.

Michael seemed to have some kind of personal vendetta against me as he twisted my arm behind my back, shoving me into the cream coloured mansion that held a dark glow.

The setting was the same as I had left it, with the shattered glass remains scattered around and the blonde whom I had tried escaping from, still in the same unconscious position on the couch, snuggling up with the cushion.

I cringed, the disgraceful memories earlier, resurfacing in my mind.

I did it to get him to fall asleep so I could make my escape but it looked like my efforts were in vain.

Truthfully, my original plan was to stab him in his sleep.

To make him permanently pay for making me suffer.

But then I had realised that would have only diminished whatever humanity I had left.

Michael pushed me further with one hand, pulling me off of my train of thought, using his other hand to deliver a hard smack to Luke's face, his cheek glowing bright red as the blonde giraffe fell off the couch.

He landed with a thump on the floor, delicately holding his face in his dainty fingers while an angry expression grew on his red face.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" He yelled, as I tried to stifle a laugh, snorting lightly before covering my mouth. His blue orbs were directed to me and he stared for a while before they darted between me and Michael as he was attempting to understand the situation.

He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Calum laying Ashton down delicately, the white material staining a deep red.

"Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on here?" Luke held his head in his hands as he stared at Ashton through his parted fingers and I silently agreed.

Calum disappeared from the room and re-entered with a first aid box kit in his hand. He threw it at me, narrowly missing my head as all eyes were on me, expecting me to help the bleeding boy.

It was literally a matter of life and death for him and I could choose to let him bleed out or I could do something.

(A/N): whale den...


just wanted to say that i didnt update yesterday bc of techiCAL difficulties (hahaha im sooooo puuunnnnyyyyy) but yh thats all i wanted to say 

buT oMG My bBy TuRneD 22 toDaY 

I cri

*wipes tear* they grow up so fast :')





and i wanna know more about you guys (i promise im not some  797392786324 year old pedo so its all good) 

qotc (question of this chapter. ik it stands for question of the day but idc im original mofos): 

how old are you guys/ what year (or grade-depending on where you are in the world) are you guys in? 

and honestly asking, how old do you think i am? (i wont get offended or some shit so dw) 

iM SO HIGH RIGHT NOW SO I APOLOGISE IF THIS IS A BUNCH OF POOP BC I WROTE THIS AT 2:09 IN THE MORNING WHILE EATING CHEESE (i rely like cheese, everything just tastes so much better with it #sorrynotsorry.... no wonder im a single pringle)

enyway c u guys next week (hopefully on time) , have a good one :)

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