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Chapter 1 - boy

I curse.

  I look at the book once more , fighting the temptation to feel the smooth hard-cover on it . How the title of the book pops up and how the 'mockingjay' was a pretty , Gold Colour , bulging slightly
out of the book. The Hunger Games : Peeta Edition It read

  The thing that made me feel infuriated was never how I forgot that the book was making it's debut today , It was because of how I couldn't afford it. I went to Australia for school , and now I've been trying to save up my money for fees. I've only allowed myself to use the money to buy food and drinks for myself as I don't want to waste anymore of it.

My Father only gives me money every 3 months , and that didn't help either. With such little amount of money received each month , I finally convinced myself to get a job at a coffee shop. At least I'd get free food.

"Well , look who's a pottymouth?" The deep voice startled me. I turn my head 90 degrees around and saw a Long-haired boy from the side of my eye. He was wearing a Long chocolate trench coat and what looks like 'Panic! At The Disco' band merch for the under shirt with skinny jeans and ugg boots. He does have good fashion sense, and music taste too.

I raised my eyebrows at him , which caused his grin to grow wider. "Who are you?" I asked , genuinely curious about this stranger who had suddenly approached me.

"Remy-" he shook his head "Sorry , Ashton , Ashton Irwin," I was a little bit intrigued by how it was troubling for him to even say his own name. I shrugged it off though , maybe whoever 'Remy' was was just stuck in his head.

He held out his hand , waiting for me to shake it . "Flynn , Candice Flynn" a/n : sorry , was in throwback mode I then took off my glasses to make it seem James Bond-y. Ashton let out a small chuckle and I proceeded to shake his hand.

"Why are you here?" I ask "Let me rephrase that , why are you talking to little ugly-ass nerdy-looking me?" I see him shake his head.

"Ugly-ass ? Where did that come-" I interrupt him

"Answer my question," I commanded

"Fine I just saw you here, looking at the book millions have been longing for, yet you're cursing, for - let me Guess -, not having enough money?" He responded.

  "Yes, you are indeed correct," I replied with a sarcastic smile "and if you can't do anything to change that , kindly fuck off," I say a little bit too harshly. I was known to be a someone who has mood swings in a blink of an eye . I wouldn't call it bipolar though.

Ashton pouts his lower lip at me , giving me an 'impressive...' Look .

"Fierce," he lets out a small laugh " I don't think I should fuck off though because I actually wanted to buy this so... Maybe I can buy it for you too,"

  "If you insist," I didn't even mean it

   "Sarcastic," he smiles

   "Okay mr. Obvious, I think we should be quick because in like," I look at the clock "five minutes the shop is going to close,"

"Thanks for buying me the book , Irwin," I thank him , grinning.

"Thanks for keeping me company," he smiles back "what's your number?" He shamelessly asks.

I don't even hesitate , I'd like to get to know him , even though I'm not sure about my feelings towards him , he seems like someone adventurous so we would be good friends.


YES !! First chapter done! Second chapter coming soon!

Read my other book [calum hood fanfic] : sorry

Word count : 602

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