Chapter Two

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“Come on Harry, wake up” Louis shook Harry for the twelfth time this morning, but Harry just groaned and buried his head deeper into his pillow. Seeing as it was usually Harry who was first up, Louis was getting slightly worried.

“Come on Harry, we’re getting picked up in forty minutes” Management had arranged an interview for the boys, all they had told them that it was to clear some things up, which was usually not a good thing.

“I won’t refrain from dragging you out” Louis threatened, giving Harry his most stern look. Harry peeked from the side of the bed where Louis was standing; he tried incredibly hard to contain his smirk. Louis looked at him and shook his head as a smile approached his own face.

“Cuddle with me” Harry picked his arms up from his sides and dropped them onto the bed, not putting any effort in at all, which made Louis chuckle, it wasn’t long before Louis jumped next to Harry and grabbed onto his waist, spinning him around so that they were facing.

“Hi” Harry beamed, reaching out and taking Louis’ hand in his own.

“Hi” Louis breathed, nuzzling his head into Harry’s neck. It wasn’t long before they had both fallen asleep, and were jolted awake by a very annoyed looking Liam.

“Morning” Harry yawned; Louis slowly sat up and stretched.

“Be ready in five, we’re waiting outside” He said before rushing out. Harry and Louis turned to each other and shrugged, pulling themselves out of the bed; they hobbled towards their wardrobes and threw a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on. Due to the fact that they were going to an interview, they would have to get changed into some clothes, which were already set out for them.

“About time” Niall huffed as the two boys entered the back of the van, they both immediately sat together and buckled up.

“We’re on time, don’t worry” Harry mumbled as he rested his head on Louis’ chest, Louis are quickly made its way around Harry’s shoulders.

“Alright lovebirds” Zayn said, turning his attention back onto his phone. Liam looked over at what he was doing, only to find that he was in fact on Twitter.

“Mr Zayn Malik, is actually on Twitter?” Liam practically shouted, all of the boys, except Harry, pulled their best shocked faces.

“No way!”

“Who are you and what have you done with Zayn?” Niall and Louis piped up; Zayn simply shook his head and carried on tapping away on his phone.

“Harry, what’s wrong with you today?” Niall asked, Harry was usually the talkative one, however most of the time it was hard to understand what he was on about.

“Nothing” Harry shot back taking his head off of Louis chest and staring out of the window.

“Clearly it’s something” He continued, hoping to get a response, when Harry was in a bad mood, it was hard for his to break out of it. Louis attempted to take Harry’s hand in his but was ignored, he couldn’t help but frown, the other boys soon noticed.

“I’m fine, okay?” Harry said after a long period of silence. This time, no one responded, mainly due to the fact that they had just arrived at the studio where the interview was to be held. They were all led out of the van and towards the front door, where they were greeted by a dozen or two fans; unfortunately they were unable to stop as they were being ushered through the entrance.

“Hello everyone, can Liam, Louis and Niall follow Nat here, and that leaves Harry and Zayn to follow me” The boys quickly separated and followed the two women to their dressing rooms, they were handed a change of clothes and each had a stylist waiting for them to finish changing. To others, this may seem like a great life, but to these boys, it was quite stressful. Of course they don’t have to waste time picking out clothes and having to figure out what goes with what, they were constantly having to stuff their selves in top-market stuff and work out in order to fill out certain items of clothing better. They also had to wear make-up. Not even half of the female population adore wearing make-up 24/7 in case a member of the paparazzi gets a close-up picture of them. As soon as all of the boys were ready, they were taken back stage to where a live audience were seated, who luckily hadn’t noticed them yet. They were told to wait until they were called, which didn’t take a long time at all.

“Hello everyone, and welcome to another exciting episode of celeb chat-" Louis soon tuned out when the presenter started talking, they were told that they’d have to wait a minute or two before being called out on stage, so they were left to their own devices. Generally meaning that they all awkwardly stood at the side lines listening out for their band name. Harry and Louis seemed to be the only two not paying attention, they were too busy devising plans in their heads, but not telling each other just in case the other disagreed. So far Louis had come up with public displays of affection and of course, reasoning. Easier said than done. Harry had also thought about taking part in some PDA, the last thing on his mind was speaking to management again; he never wanted to hear or see them ever again.

“-and bid a warm welcome to One Direction!” Louis and Harry were soon snapped back to reality when their band mates started walking out onto the stage where they were welcomed by hundreds of screams.

“Here we have: Niall; Liam; Harry; Louis and Zayn” The interviewer called out as they sat down on the sofa. The boys all waved and smiled, attempting to look as happy as possible so that no unwanted questions would arise. The interview began as they usually did, asking them how they were, how they are finding it being back home and if they miss being on tour. The interview soon came near to the end and they were accepting questions from the audience. One in particular stood out, and Louis didn’t know how to respond, whether he should be relieved to finally talk about it, or be disgusted that someone bought it up.

“What happened with Eleanor?” The other boys looked at him, but Harry’s head was the first to turn.

“Well, we, didn’t get along, in the end, she erm-“  He was lost for words and slowly cowered back into the sofa, the interview didn’t go on for much longer, and the boys were soon released to go home.

“Harry?” Louis confronted Harry as soon as the front door closed.

“Louis” Harry retaliated, turning around to face him.

“What are we going to do?” Harry smirked; he leant forward and gently placed Louis lips on his own for a second.

“I have an idea” Before Louis could question it, Harry’s hands had made their way to the bottom of Louis shirt, as soon as he had pulled it over his head, he reconnected their lips and led them over to the sofa.

More than just a friendship-The sequel (One Direction, Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now