Lost, In and Out

371 14 4

"Kai is something wrong?" Aichi asked. "Let's go Aichi" Kai replied, the tone that he used was emotionless. Without waiting Kai started walking out. "I'm sorry, he might just be in a bad mood" Aichi explained. Then he bowed and followed Kai out of the shop. "Kai are you okay?" Aichi asked. "Those girls, something is weird about them. I had a bad feeling when they said hi." Kai explained. "Kai, how about we go and get lunch" Aichi suggested. "Yeah that's a good idea, I'm hungry" Kai smiled. Aichi smiled back happy to see that Kai had cheered up. They walked around until they came across a place that looked to be a restaurant.

"Kai we have to wait to be seated" Aichi explained. "Okay" Kai replied. After a few minutes of waiting a waitress came. "Hello there this way please" she lead, however just as Aichi was about to follow her Kai grabbed his shirt from behind. "Sorry but we have to go" Kai explained. Then he dragged Aichi out of the restaurant. "What's wrong Kai?" Aichi asked. "That girl was the same as the other two" Kai replied. "Kai what do you mean?" Aichi asked. "I had a bad feeling again" Kai replied. "Hmm how about we go to Gaillard's house for lunch?" Aichi suggested. "That kid's house again?" Kai questioned. "Yes and also Gaillard is an adult" Aichi explained. "What!! But he is so tiny" Kai pointed out. "That's just the way he is. I'm pretty short for my age as well" Aichi replied. "Ehh how old are you?" Kai asked. "I'm eighteen" Aichi replied. "Oh, but I can believe that more than Gaillard being an adult" Kai replied. "How about you cardfight Gaillard when we get back. He is a really strong Cardfighter" Aichi suggested. "Really? He is a Cardfighter? Yeah then I have to fight him. I'm gonna kick his butt!" Kai exclaimed. Aichi just smiled awkwardly.

After a while of walking the two of them made it to Gaillard's house. "Wow does he actually live here?" Kai asked. "Yep" Aichi smiled. Gaillard's house was huge, it looked like an old fashioned mansion. Aichi walked up to the front and rang the door bell. When he did the door opened to reveal a girl in a maid's outfit. "Oh hello, you must be Aichi Sendou. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" The girl bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you too" Aichi smiled. Then Kai grabbed Aichi's wrist and dragged him forward. "Kai what's wrong?" Aichi asked. "That girl had a weird look to her" Kai replied. Aichi was now very confused. Aichi and Kai wandered around the mansion a bit and eventually got lost. "Aichi? Where are we?" Kai asked. "I don't know" Aichi replied looking around. (In a sense this was because of Kai since he kept on pulling Aichi to random areas whenever they encountered someone) They continuously looked around and eventually ended up where they had started. "Maybe we should leave" Aichi suggested. "Yeah, I don't want to end up getting lost again" Kai replied. "I wonder if Gaillard was even home in the first place" Aichi stated. "Wait you didn't know?" Kai asked. "No I didn't, I was going to ask but..."Aichi trailed off but Kai knew what he was going to say. "I'm sorry" Kai bowed. "It's fine, lets go home and then I will make us lunch" Aichi smiled. Kai nodded and a smile appeared on his face along with it.

Once they got back to the apartment Aichi looked in the fridge and cupboards and saw that there wasn't much there they could use to make lunch. "How about an omelet with apple slices?" Aichi asked. "Ehhh? But we had omelets for breakfast." Kai replied. "Well we only have milk, cheese and apples in the fridge and in the cupboards there are only snacks, flour, sugar, oil and baking powder." Aichi replied. "Well then lets go grocery shopping" Kai suggested. "Alright" Aichi replied. They then left the apartment again and headed to the grocery store. "Hey Aichi, where is the grocery store is?" Kai asked. "Yeah there should be one nearby" Aichi replied. They continued forward and eventually reached their destination. "Alright what should we get?" Kai asked already looking around. "Hmm I really don't know" Aichi replied. Aichi and Kai each grabbed a basket and walked around. Aichi took some different kinds of fruits and vegetables and tossed them into the basket. Then Kai came over with a basket full of junk food. "Can we get this?" Kai asked. "U-Um, sorry Kai but not all of it, you can choose three of those to buy" Aichi replied. "Why not?" Kai asked. "Because too much junk food isn't good for you" Aichi replied. "You sound like my mother" Kai stated but reluctantly did as he was asked. After a while of shopping they bought the food they got and went back to the apartment.

"Alright I'm going to make us a salad" Aichi smiled. "Okay" Kai replied. Then Aichi grabbed lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese and salad dressing. Then Aichi grabbed a knife and started cutting the cucumber and lettuce. "Aichi, want some help?" Kai asked. "U-Um sure" Aichi smiled. Then Kai also grabbed a knife and started cutting. With both of them making the salad it didn't take long until it was done. They put out bowls filled them with salad and dug in. "Thanks for the food" they smiled and they started eating. "Wow this is delicious!" Kai exclaimed. "Yeah!" Aichi smiled. Once they were finished eating Aichi grabbed the dishes and started washing. "Aichi, can't we just put the dishes in the dishwasher?" Kai asked."Oh I guess we could" Aichi replied. He was used to hand washing dishes so he didn't think of using the dish washer. Aichi placed the dishes into the dish washer and went to go get soap. Then when he came back with the soap he saw that the dish washer was already on. "Kai did you start the dish washer?" Aichi asked. "Yep! Now while that's going let's go out and explore!" Kai suggested. Aichi nodded and they went out. "I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about the dishwasher" Aichi thought.

That's the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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