Three Day Awkwardness, and an Unexpected Turn for the Worst

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Hello there! Alright a while a go I said that I wouldn't be doing stories for a while, but somethings are really, really, really stressing me out so maybe writing a story might help.

After Aichi blurted out that he had a dream of himself and Kai kissing the two were really awkward to be around each other. Currently they are making breakfast. Aichi, Kai and Gaillard were tasked with this. "Hey Aichi can you hand me the eggs?" Gaillard asked. "Yeah sure!" Aichi replied. Then he went to the fridge and grabbed the eggs out of it, but as he turned around Kai was right in front of him and it scared him. So his face turned red and he dropped the eggs. As for Kai he was normal. "Be careful clumsy" Kai teased. Then he noticed that there was goo coming out of the egg carton.  He crouched down and opened the carton only to see that every single egg was broken. "Aichi you broke all the eggs" Kai sighed. "I-I-I I'm sorry!!!" Aichi bowed quickly. "It's okay Aichi, how about you and Kai head down to the store and buy some more" Gaillard suggested. "Why do I have to go?" Kai asked, you could tell he was a bit annoyed. "Um I can go alone it's okay" Aichi stated. "Nope Kai is going with you. Besides if he doesn't  you might end up breaking the eggs" Gaillard teased. "Why don't you go?" Kai asked. "I can't go I promised to help the kids with their decks." Gaillard replied. "He is the type of person that doesn't break promises and would do anything to keep that promise." Kai thought. "Alright fine I'll do it" Kai replied. Gaillard nodded. Then Kai and Aichi left the orphanage. "Gaillard-san why did you lie to Kai-San?" An orphan asked. "Hmm well I guess it was for Aichi" Gaillard replied.
Meanwhile Kai and Aichi were walking to the store and well Aichi was being very awkward...
"Aichi what's wrong?" Kai asked. "N-N-N-Nothing Kai" Aichi replied. Kai sighed. "Don't lie to me Aichi" Kai replied.
Oops I accidentally published this before it was done. Well let's continue with the story then.
"I-I-I'm not Kai" Aichi replied. Kai's eyes narrowed "he's lying" Kai thought. "Aichi" Kai growled. When Aichi heard that he jumped. "Kai?" Aichi asked. "I told you to not lie to me." Kai replied. Aichi was getting freaked out now so he stepped backwards and tripped over the edge of the road and started falling. Then he heard a sound. It was a rumbling kind of sound. He looked and there was a car right in front of him. He wanted to move but was unable to and the last thing he heard was..."AICHI!!!!!"
That's the end. I made this chapter shorter than the others because well I kinda just wanted to see if this story would help me calm down, which it did. Well anyway updates are going to be quite slow. I might not even publish 1 chapter per 14 days or two weeks. Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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