Ideas and rules

522 17 9

Kai and Aichi finally made it to theory hangar entrance. Aichi had a key but couldn't get it with Kai on his back. So he just slowly removed his hand and knocked on the door. A few moments later the door opened and revealed Gaillard, he had a surprise look on his face when he saw Kai and Aichi but smiled soon afterwards. "Welcome home" Gaillard smiled. "Thanks you um, I'm sorry but who are you?" Kai replied and Gaillard's smiled faded when he heard that. Aichi just carried Kai in and sat him down onto the couch. Then he went to Gaillard and explained to him what's going on."I see so he lost his memories" Gaillard muttered. "Yes and I don't know how to help him regain his memories." Aichi replied. "Maybe you could teach him vanguard" Gaillard suggested. "Yeah good idea!" Aichi smiled. Then he took out Kai's deck which he had in his pocket. "Hey Kai can I talk to you?" Aichi asked. " yeah sure" Kai replied. Aichi slowly made his way over to Kai and handed him the deck in his hand. "Hmm what's this?" Kai asked. "It's a vanguard deck" Aichi replied. "What is vanguard?" Kai asked. "Vanguard is a card game you can play with friends." Aichi replied. "Yeah? I like the cards" Kai replied." I can teach you how to play" Aichi suggested. "Really?" Kai asked. "Yep! And you can use that deck in your hands" Aichi replied. As for Kai he had a big grin plastered onto his face. "Alright let's begin" Aichi exclaimed.
Time skip... I could have explained all the rules but I would take a ridiculous amount of time and it isn't easy either
"I won!!" Kai exclaimed. He looked kinda weird jumping up and down like a little kid. "Yep good job!" Aichi smiled. "Can we play again?" Kai asked. " yeah sure but first I have to go and cook dinner" Aichi replied. Kai puffed out his cheeks like a little kid and crossed his arms. Aichi thought Kai looked simply adorable doing that. Even so he couldnt let his friends starve. "Come on Kai, we can play again latter" Aichi explained. "Promise?" Kai asked. "Yes I promise" Aichi replied. Then he walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. Then Kai jumped up and decided to take a look around. "Wow there are a ton of rooms here, also I wonder who that guy with blue hair and orange/gold eyes was. He didn't answer me when I asked for his name." Kai thought. He skipped around the entire orphanage. "Supper's ready!!!" Kai heard so he skipped his way to the dinning room. In the dinning room the orphans were sitting down one lane and Aichi the other guy were sitting at the ends. Then Kai noticed one free spot so he figured it was his.

After supper Kai jumped up and went over to Aichi."Let's play vanguard again!" Kai smiled. "Yep I promised after all" Aichi replied. "Not yet Aichi you need to help with clean up" Gaillard barged in. "No! Aichi promised me we would play!" Kai yelled. Everyone was surprised, well except for Kai of course. "Sorry but Aichi needs to help and we need him" Gaillard tried to reason. "Be quite shorty" Kai ordered. That made Gaillard really made and that was for sure. You could literally see a furious aura around him, you could also feel the intensity. Even so Kai didn't notice. "Kai you listen here it's not nice to call people that" Gaillard explained while trying to dispel as much anger as he could. "Why should I listen to you? I don't even know you, also you are shorter than I am which means you are younger than me. Didn't your parents tell you to respect your elders?" Kai asked. That did it now Gaillard was furious. "Kai!!!  You say one more word I will throw you out the door before you have time to blink"Gaillard yelled. "Hmph wow your really mature. You make it sound as if your older than me. W,R,O,N,G wrong!!! Also your still a kid you aren't the owner of this place so you can't kick me out" Kai replied intimidatingly. Now Gaillard was walking over to Kai ready to unleash his furry but Aichi stood in front of him. "Come on Gaillard you need to calm down Kai is just in a bad mood since I can't play vanguard with him." Aichi tried to reasoned. After hearing that Gaillard just walked away and disappeared into the kitchen. "Alright Kai Gaillard is right you need to be nicer with your words or else you could end up hurting someone." Aichi explained. "I guess, I just don't know what his problem is" Kai replied. "Well Kai you really upset him. I think you should go and apologize" Aichi suggested. "Nope he doesn't deserve one" Kai replied. "Come on Kai please" Aichi pleaded then Kai gave in and went and apologized to Gaillard. Gaillard calmed down and forgave Kai and now they were on good terms.

That's the end of the chapter. This chapter was also thanks to Emilia. Thanks a lot and you are the best! I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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