Chapter 4, Bad News!

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"What is it?" Allen asked.

"I really want to know why you're always wearing that clown mask."


"I've already asked you many times but... you never told me why..."

Lavi eyed him suspiciously. "Can you tell me now? What exactly are you hiding?!"

The teen still said nothing. Kanda scoffed.

"Humph... probably hiding an ugly scar under that ridiculous looking mask."

Allen sighed. "I do have a weird scar on my left cheek."

"See?" Kanda scowled.

"But..." The white-haired slightly placed his right hand on his mask. "That's not what I'm hiding..."

"Then..." Lavi stood up. "What are you hiding?"

Allen chuckled sheepished. "Well... it might probably sounds funny..."

"You can tell us anything, Allen! We're your friends!" Lavi urged.

Allen sweatdropped. 'He sounds like he is pretty much eager to know about this...'

He glanced at Kanda and noticed a slight curiosity in his eyes. 'Well... telling them wouldn't probably hurt...'

"Actually... you see..."

Lenaleee's eyes widened! Her whole body was frozen. She felt like everything around her shaking madly. It's like the world was going to break apart.

"What's with the sudden decision?" She asked; her voice was shaking slightly.

"Gilbert here also says that he wants to marry you right away since you two have already been engaged for two years!" Mr. Lee said calmly.

Gilbert smiled at her which made her shivered even more.

"B-But... I thought you've said that it's still too early for me!" She argued.

Her father cleared his throat. "Yes, I have. But..."

"It seems to us that you're hanging with those two friends of yours way too much!" Her mother answered.

Lenalee raised a brow. "Two friends? You mean Kanda and Lavi?!"

Her parents nodded.

"But, what's wrong with me hanging out with them? You've never let me done anything other than that!" She stated.

"Lenalee!" Her father eye's narrowed. "You're engaged, remember? Of course, your mother and I don't mind you hanging around with them since we know that they're your friends."

"But... the townspeople might get the wrong idea if they see you going around with them. After all, everyone knows that you're engaged." Her mother added.

"But, everyone also knows that they're my friends! Why are you all stopping me from doing anything I want?" She argued.

"Even though they know about that... they'd never know what your friends' true intentions are." Gilbert said worryingly.

Lenalee glared at him. "What is that supposed to mean?!"

"He means that they might do something bad to you if you trust them too much!" Mr. Lee answered for him.

"And, I also heard from Gilbert that your other friendis back in the town today."

The teal-haired flinched.

"It's that weird boy with that mask, isn't it?" her mother asked.

"Yes..." She could only nod, slightly glaring at Gilbert.

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