Chapter 2, Laughter

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Disclaimer: I do not own D Gray Man.

Chapter 2, Laughter

The clown jumped onto a big red ball beside him while still juggling. As he continued to juggled, a few more balls popped out of nowhere, adding more items to his juggling trick.

Loud applauds and cheering busted out from the audiences as they watched the pierrot's silly, yet amazing trick.

And that clown was Allen... the only one friend who Lenalee hasn't seen for almost two years...

She couldn't believe it. She thought she wouldn't ever have the chance to see the teen again. She hadn't received or heard any news about him. She thought... she wouldn't see those silly tricks that had made her smile ever again...

Her eyes became a little teary at this. He was back!

Allen seemed to notice her and the other two among the audiences. A small smile plastered on his face, though it was hidden under his mask. But then, he noticed her teary eyes. He was panic for a moment, thinking that she was crying.

He almost tripped on the ball as he lost controlled of his posture. But, he managed to maintain his balance. This made him looked a little funny as laughter was from the crowds.

He turned to her again. She looked like she was about to cry; not because she was sad, but because she was happy. She was happy to see him again...

He knew...

The small crystals that were forming around her eyes....

They weren't tears of sadness... They were joy.

He knew it, yet... he didn't want to see her cry.

While he continued on with his trick, he abruptly bounced from the ball he was standing on, and threw three of the ball that he was juggling, to the teal-haired and his two friends.

The three caught the balls in surprised. But, before the balls could reach their hands, they suddenly exploded along with the big red ball that he bounced off.

The three were taken aback when three roses popped out from each ball. As for the big ball, a unicycle popped out when it exploded. As he jumped onto the unicycle, he began to cycle the thing around while he continued to juggle with the rest of the balls.

The audiences cheered!

Lavi grinned as he held up the rose. "His tricks are as amazing as ever, that guy."

Kanda said nothing. The two then noticed a small piece of paper, wrapped on the edge of each of the rose. They unwrapped the paper and smirked as they'd read the small sentences in the small paper.

'Really... that stupid Moyashi...'

Lenalee stared at the rose which she held in wonder. Fiddling it in her hand, she smiled. Then, just like Kanda and Lavi, she noticed a small note attached to her rose.

Curiously, she took to paper and read it.

Hey, you should smile instead of crying when you're happy...^^

She was stunned for a moment before glancing at him. Seeing that he was waving happily back at her, she smiled.

'You haven't changed after all these time, Allen...'

She turned to Kanda and Lavi.

"This is the surprise that you guys told me, right?"

Lavi chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah... sort of..."

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