Chapter 1, Surprised!

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Disclaimer: I do not own D Gray Man.

Chapter 1, Surprised!

Lenalee hugged her knees tighter, burying her face into hem. Tears cascaded down her eyes as she sobbed slightly. She has had another fight with her parents. They were trying to get her into engagement with someone she has never seen or met.

"Why won't you just listen to us?! Can't you see that we're trying to give you a good future?"

"Getting me engaged doesn't give me a future I want! Why do I have to engage to someone I've never met before? Why can't I choose my own future?"

"Listen to us, Lenalee. He's rich! Don't you get it? He has money. Can't you imagine what kind of life you'll live after marrying him?"

"No! I'll still refuse! I'll continue to refuse even if he's the son of a lord! There's no way I'm going to marry someone I don't even know!"


Lenalee gasped as she held her swollen cheek with her hand, her eyes widened in shock.

"Lenalee, WE are your parents, and you are to do exactly what we say. You are going to marry him and that's final! No more discussion about this! Understand?"

And, that's how it was. Her parents were always like that. They had never let her do what she wanted the most. They always forced her into doing what she's never wanted to.

'Brother... If only you were here...' She thought as she cried harder.

Her brother was always the one who has always cared about her. Not that her parents didn't. They did care for her. But, they've never cared about what her feelings were. That was the difference between her parents and her brother. Her brother cared everything about her and would always try to help her as much as he could. But... sadly, he wasn't with her at the moment. He always has to stay in another town because of his work and so he wasn't there to convince them. She couldn't blame him for that.

Now what was she supposed to do? Without her brother, she felt very helpless.

"Lenalee?" said a cheerful sing-a-song voice as a white-haired boy wearing a clown mask, with a happy smile on it, appeared behind the tree she was leaning on. She was startled a little by this but, was relief when she knew who it was.

"It's you, Allen."

Still wearing his mask, the white-haired jumped playfully in front of her and asked. "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

He held out a handkerchief. "Come on! Dry your tears. Your smile suits you better than the tears."

She looked away. "Can you please go way, Allen? I want to be alone right now..."

The boy leaned back from her but didn't go away. Instead, he brought out a big, red bouncing a ball out of nowhere and placed it beside him.

"Lenalee! Lenalee! Watch this!" He exclaimed cheerfully as he jumped onto the ball and balanced himself on it. He was doing a great job until...

"WAHH!" He accidently lost his balance and fell extravagantly off the ball, which bounced up in the air and then bounced onto his head. "Now, that hurts..." he murmured as he stood up.

Lenalee giggled at his antics. A satisfied smile appeared on his face beneath his mask when he saw her giggle. She laughed. She wasn't crying anymore, and that made him happy. He approached her again and held up his hand in front of her. She was amused when a rose popped out of nowhere from his empty hand.

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