Chapter 7, Afterwards

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Disclaimer: I do not own D Gray Man.

Chapter 7, Afterwards

One peaceful night in a city, when the moon was fully shining illuminated above the town, in a certain house, a young girl was sitting on her bed while listening to a story that her mother was telling. Her mother was on the bed, sitting behind her and was brushing her soft silver hair with a comb.

"...then...the lying pierrot, lying in the arms of his beloved, eventually vanished into the air like magic dust, leaving only his broken mask behind. The end!" said the mother as she brushed a strand of silver bangs behind her daughter's ear.

The girl let out a sigh after that. "In the end...he died...again..." She murmured.

The mother giggled. "If you don't like hearing that last part, I can tell you another story instead of this one next time." She told her.

The silvernette shook her head. "It's okay, Mom...I have to say...the story is really sad...but..."

She paused turned around to glance at her mother's eyes.

"Even though it's sad...I still love this story." She gave her mother a toothy grin.

The mother smiled, brushing her long teal hair behind her, as she heard this from the girl.

"I'm glad you like this story, Elena."

" never told me what had happened to the girl in the story. Did she marry her fiancé in the end? Or did she leave the town with the help of pierrot's friend?" asked the girl, her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

The woman has a thoughtful look at this. "About that...maybe it's another story for next time."

"Ehhhhhhh! How come?!" whined Elena as she pouted childishly.

The teal-haired giggled at her daughter's childishness. "Because it's your bed time, my dear." She pointed at the clock, hanging on the wall across the room.

The girl glanced at the clock and pouted. "But, it's still 9:00! Plus, tomorrow's Sunday!" She protested.

The teal-haired shook her head. "It's bed time for you, my dear. Your father won't be very happy if you stay up late again. And tomorrow, we're going on a picnic with your uncles, remember."

The silvernette's eyes immediately sparkled up in excitement when she heard this. She immediately dropped herself onto her pillow and covered herself with the cover.

Her mother gave her an approving look at this and leaned down to peck her on the forehead.

"Good night, my sweet little angel."

"Good night, Mom." With one last smile, the girl closed her eyes and immediately went to deep slumber.

The teal-haired stood up and switched off the lights before leaving the room as quiet as possible. Giving one last glance at her daughter, she closed the door and left.

She sighed. Being a mother isn't an easy job yet she was glad that she gave birth to her silver little angel, and was grateful to the man who gave her to her.

'Time for my sleep, too. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.' She thought to herself as she walked to the room next to her daughter's bedroom. Opening the door to the room, she peeked inside thinking that her husband might be sleeping. But, he wasn't. He was on their bed, reading a book.

"Did you put her to sleep already?" asked her husband once he noticed her.

"She's sleeping soundly, my dear." She replied before entering the room, closing the door behind her.

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