Chapter 3, Reunion!

Start from the beginning

After parting ways with her friends, Lenalee followed her fiancé to a nearby café to have some tea. As soon as they got their orders, Gilbert started talking about their marriage....

They had already made it clear that they wouldn't get married right away because she was still too young, though she's already 18....

She sighed. 'Can't he talk about something else instead of this...?'

This was getting really boring. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and was glad to see that it's almost 4.

'I wonder if Allen's alright...' Her thoughts immediately went to Allen.

'His injury seems pretty serious...'

But even so... he acted as if it wasn't serious. He shrugged it off as if.... He felt no pain or discomfort... and went on with his performance...

'He's still the same Allen from two years ago... he's still the same...'

He, who hid his pain under his pierrot mask....

He... who hid all of his feelings... behind the silly smile....

'That's who Allen is...the lying pierrot...' She thought sadly.


Her thoughts were broken when she heard Gilbert called her name. Turning her attentions back to him, "Umm...sorry... what was it again?" She asked.

Gilbert stared at her curiously. "You weren't paying any attention when I was talking, were you?"

Lenalee held up her hand. "Yes, I was. You were talking about your wedding plan, weren't you?"Exactly the reason why I wasn't paying any attention to you...

"Our wedding, Lenalee. Not mine! Ours!" He corrected.

"Sorry... "

"It seems like you're think about that clown, aren't you? "

She flinched a little at this.

He sighed. "Thought so... "

She dropped her head nervously, he didn't sound very pleased at all....


She lifted her head up as he started talking again.

"That clown... is he a friend of yours?"

Lenalee nodded. "Yes... he is..."

"Then... how come I've only seen you hanging out with the other two for the past two years?"

Lenalee stiffened a bit. "Well... He kinda left the town two years ago so I hadn't been able to get in contact with him..."

"I see..." Gilbert murmured. "So, is he someone special to you?"

"Eh? No, it's not like that..." Lenalee held up her hand, blushing slightly.

Gilbert leaned on the table and eyed her seriously. "Lenalee... we are engaged, remember? And I would really like to know more about you and your friends." He stated.

"Don't worry. I won't get mad. You can tell me the truth." He said with a smile... a fake forced smile...

Lenalee didn't seem to notice this as she nodded.

"Every one of my friends is special for me... but Allen... he is someone...a little more special than the other... I guess..." She said softly, a hint of glee and joy in her tone.

"He always cheers me up...staying by my side...playing silly tricks for me when I got depressed...Lavi and Kanda always do that, too... but somehow..."

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