Exciting news!!!!

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So, we have some really exciting news!!!! Our cousin (well, he's our mother's cousin's son, but we've called him our cousin since forever) is coming to stay with us for the rest of the summer! He'll be getting here sometime next week (they're still figuring out tickets and stuff) and will stay until the next semester starts sometime in August (don't want to think about that! ):

What to say about Joseph? Btw, we (Tiffany, Ashley, Chelsey, and I) call him Joey, so don't be surprised if we talk about Joey. He's super smart, for one. He was at math camp for all of June after school got out, and he has a ton of scholarships lined up for him when he starts college. He's really chill, though, and you would never know how smart he was just by talking to him.

And oh yeah, he loves magic. He's crazy good. Like, a few years ago at Thanksgiving he did this card trick where he took a card that we wrote on out of an orange. It was crazy. And he still won't tell us how he did it :/

But yeah! He's coming soon! We'll keep you updated!

Stay perky!

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