About us

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(I'll be writing in the 3rd person even though it's me, Lindsey, writing)

Lindsey, Ashley, Chelsey, and Tiffany are fraternal quadruplets (which means we look different but were all born on the same day by the same mother). Our father is Indian (from the country) and he works as a lawyer. Our mom is German, Irish, and Scottish heritage-wise and she's also a lawyer.

Our life motto is "stay perky" and we really do try to live by that. It's so important to maintain a positive outlook in life! (Speaking of our motto, don't tell Mom and Dad, but Chelsey actually has it tattooed on her ankle...)

We are all obsessed with Whose Line Is It Anyway? and are secretly married to Greg (Lindsey), Colin (Ashley), Ryan (Chelsey), and Jeff (Tiffany). Okay, so maybe we aren't...... YET ;)

So this is good for now, I think. We'll update soon and answer any questions anyone has. Stay perky!

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