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HollywoodLights8 asked us "Do you guys have completely different looks (like closet wise)?"  Great question, HollywoodLights8 !

So, you might be surprised to hear that we all dress pretty close to the way we do in I Prooped My Pants. (Obviously we have a bit more money to buy clothes in the novel ;))

Lindsey's favorite color is pink, so she wears a lot of pink dresses and bows. Ashley's is yellow and so she wears yellow everything! Yellow skirts, yellow shoes... Tiffany love love loves blue so she wears blue jeans, usually with pretty blue flowery blouses and blue headbands. And Chelsey loves purple so she wears purple skirts and cute purple tops!

We each have a heart-shaped necklace that our grandmother gave us when we were born, and we wear them at all times because we miss her so much. It's a silver heart with our birthstone in the middle. (Obviously, they all look the same because we have the same birthstone! ;))

Basically, we all have the same style look, very girly, very cute! but the colors distinguish us from each other. Even when we were younger, our parents would dress us in different colors so we could develop our own looks. We were never the type of quadruplets who all wore the same outfit!

Thanks again for the question, and we look forward to answering any more that anyone has. Stay perky!

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