Chapter Two

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***2 years Ago***

"Janell!! It's time to wake up!"

A White popcorn ceiling.

That's all I see when I slowly  open my eyes to wake up on a dull looking  Monday morning.
I internally groan as I realize that's it's the start of my second week into Sophomore year, where classes finally start. I continue to lay on my bed for the next five minutes , just contemplating my life right now and how it's way too early to be awake for learning and having to meet new strangers.

After shoving my pillow in my face, I drag myself to the bathroom, locking the door.
Looking into the mirror, my dark brown eyes remain nearly dead looking as I rub the eye crust from my face  and figure out what I'm going to do with the black tangled forest of a mess ,resting on my head. Adding one more thing to my morning to-do list , I shrug off the thinking cap and get through my morning ritual of bathroom hygiene.

I returned to my room with a Demi Lovato song stuck in my head while I get out my new outfit to show off toward my fellow Sophomore  classmates. Deciding to go with a FallOut Boy tee-shirt and black skinny jeans, I reach over to my converses as my mother yells at me again.

"It's 8 O'Clock, Time to head out the door! "

"I'm coming down right now mom!" Replying as I finish tying my shoes, spraying my Bath & body works perfume and racing down the stairs.

"You're smoothie is in the freezer"

"Oooh, thanks mom. You got my snacks too?"

"Already in your book bag."

Gotta love my mom, I think mentally as a smile creeps into my face.

Yelling goodbye to my mom and grandma, I leave the house with Ali to start walking toward the bus stop.

As I walk the two minute distance, I try to shake off the nerves that I get every year. Considering I dodged my mom giving me medicine again this week. I hated taking those medications that tasted awful, I honestly had no choice since pills were my weakness and crushing them up was never going to be an option again.

I shudder at just the thought of it as bile seeped it's way up to my throat. That memory and the butterflies currently having a wrestling match in my stomach, I don't know how I'm going to get through the day.
Just as my nerves were getting worse with the bus rolling up, my ipod goes off and I know it's my bestfriend Vanessa.

I get on the bus and go hastily to a seat near the middle, avoiding the eyes of other students. I hold onto my iPod as I load up a game to play to occupy my time and lack of wifi.  I'm instantly on alert to check every few seconds to see if anyone is staring at me from when I approached the bus.  I've always hated walking to the seats on the bus, because everyone feels obligated to stare down each person that enters the bus. It's literally 8:18am and I can't help but not want to be on this bus right now. If my dad wasn't always late to get to school most of the time, I would've just got a ride.
Exiting the bus, tapping away at my iPod to match the jewels on Bejeweled Blitz ,I headed toward the front of the second building where I usually wait with my friends. Getting through everyone, while holding my breathe , I started toward the grassy area where Nessa was standing with Janice, Mariah, Maddie and Melissa. 
I made my way over to them with a huge goofy smile on my face as I was reunited with the gang. I started squealing with happiness as they each have me weird stares like I had three heads or something.

Shattered Heart (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ