Chp 1- The Brief Moment of Gay.

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A sigh echoed through the empty church. Its owner, a small and delicate looking boy standing in the doorway. An oversized grey lavender sweatshirt hung from his upper body and reached just below his bottom, which housed a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. He turned on his heels, white converse squeaking against the well-polished hardwood floor. His dark blue-lavender eyes pierced through his purple fringe.

He walked out of the church, the blinding light surrounding him as he looked around in awe. The outside was a rare place he was allowed to go as a child.

Sunlight bounced off the many piercings he had scattered on his ears. He almost looked like something out of this world as they sparkled. He made his way to a platinum blonde who smiled and waved.

"Elliot! Are you ready to go?" She looked at him with sherbet pink eyes hoping for an answer. The said boy grunted in response and clambered into the taxi that awaited behind the blonde.

Yui sighed in disappointment as she watched Elliot plug a set of earphones in and drown out the world around him. Yui sat in the brightly coloured car and closed the door before giving the driver a piece of paper with an address scribbled down on it. The engine rumbled, and soon they were zooming down streets and turning corners. The cities and towns soon passed, long behind them as busy streets were replaced with quiet forest.

The taxi slowed to a halt in front of two large creepy looking gates. Behind them sat a large mansion that gave off a chilling aura. Yui jumped out quickly and stretched, taking in a breath of fresh air before walking to the back of the car and taking out their luggage from the storage area. Elliot sighed as he climbed out of the car slowly, closing the car's door and taking his luggage from his adoptive older sister as their ride fled into the distance.

Yui pushed the gates open. They creaked and towered above the siblings. Elliot walked ahead, luggage rolling behind him as he made his way along the gravel path, which crunched underneath his weight. Yui jogged up to him, her arms holding her luggage up and off the ground. They stopped by a fountain placed in the middle of the path. Yui admired the water while Elliot looked up at the rain clouds that had stained the once blue sky. The fountain water rippled as it began to rain heavily.

"Elliot! It's raining, come on!" Yui grabbed the said boy's hand, ignoring how unnaturally cold he was, believing he was simply cold from the rain and began running to the mansion's front door. Elliot pulled his hand away in disgust and glared at his older sister's back as she knocked on the door. The door was left unanswered, which led to Yui trying ag. The door creaked open and being the curious blonde she was. She walked right in. She yelled a hello, met with her own echo she called out again; "Is anyone home?".

Elliot stepped in behind the intruding blonde and leaned against the door, causing it to creak closed with a soft thud.

"Maybe no one told them we were coming today?" Yui directed her question to Elliot as she looked around. She spotted a sleeping figure on a couch nearby and walked over to it, leaving the soft sound of footsteps to echo throughout the empty halls. Elliot followed and watched as she examined the male on the couch.

"Um, excuse me..." She reached out and tapped the reddish-brown haired boy, "you're cold! Are you ok?" Yui jerked her hand away and immediately placed her head on the stranger's chest, checking for a heartbeat.

"He has no heartbeat! I have to call an ambulance!" Yui rustled through her bag and pulled out a flip phone. She started dialling for the ambulance only to be stopped by the once dead boy. He glared at her with piercing green eyes and a sleepy expression.

"Damn, you're noisy. This isn't even your house, so can you keep it down?". Yui looked at him. Shock was written across her face as she forced the words out of her mouth.

"Y-you're alive?", The boy grunted and reached for the girl's wrist.

Elliot watched as if it was in slow motion. While the other had ignored him, he listened to what was occurring in front of him and pieced it together. His conclusion, this stranger with cold skin and no heartbeat was not a living creature. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as his father's voice, and stern face ran through his head, 'now listen here. If Yui is hurt, you will be held responsible!'.

Elliot groaned inwardly and appeared in front of Yui just before the stranger took her by the wrist. The stranger caught Elliot's arm and pulled him down onto the couch before hovering above the male.

"Why wouldn't I be alive? Seriously- holy shit! Pancake turned into a dude!" The green-eyed stranger stared in shock at the lavender eyed boy below him. Elliot glared up at him, inwardly panicking, and used something called a voice box.

"Get off me, freak".

Yui stared with shock, and the boy stared with disgust.

"E-Elliot, don't be rude!" Yui stuttered as she looked at the two males with a faint blush after realising their position.

"Yeah, treat Yours Truly with respect and don't tell me what to do you no scented weirdo!" The boy agreed with Yui and immediately climbed off Elliot. A few seconds later, a well dressed purple/almost black-haired man appeared and looked at the reddish-brown haired boy with a stern look. 'Looks constipated if you ask me' Elliot nodded and smiled inwardly before returning his attention to the people in front of him.

"Ayato, what's all the commotion down here?" The newcomer adjusted his glasses and directed his question to 'Yours Truly'.

"Damn, not you, Reiji", Ayato groaned and stood up.

"May I remind you to please take such activities to your private room" Reiji adjusted his glasses yet again and sighed before moving his attention to the siblings ", and who might the two of you be?".


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