Lost Boy - Akaashi Keiji

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5:35 pm

"Okay, Y/N. Just take pictures, observe, and get out." You reminded yourself as you stare at the Fukurodani gym door, shaking a bit, gripping the straps of your camera. You took a deep breathe, slowly entering the said gym.

Funny, you were supposed to hear squeakings and intense ball bouncings right? You didn't though. All you heard and saw was boys drinking from their water bottles and their banters. Were you late?

Oh no. No no no no. Your senpai would kill you.

"Can I help you?" You heard a deep yet calm voice and you quickly looked at the person who just said those words.

Your eyes widened as you stared at a wonderful sight. Messy black hair, tan skin, and those breathtaking green eyes. You got lost in them and loved the feeling.

You've never seen a guy so beautiful.

"Wow." You unintentionally said with an amazed expression.

The guy in front of you chuckled and you then realized how stupid you were to say the first thing that popped out of your mind. You felt your heartbeat racing, face blushing as you looked away.

You then again took a deep breathe as you tried to find the perfect words to say to the most perfect human being. And also to finish your job so that you could forget the embarrassment caused by how awkward and straightforward you just were.

"M-My name's L/N Y/N from the school newspaper!" You bowed slightly, trying to hide those red cheeks of yours. "I'm the new sports news writer and u-uh..." You looked up at him and saw a small smile on his face. Oh dear heavens, that smile. God is real.

"You're writing an article about our club?" He asked softly.

"Yes. Actually uhm, I'm the official writer assigned to the volleyball section." You surprisingly spoke to him swiftly, your heartbeat slowly turning to its normal calm state.

"Are you a first year?"

You hummed in response, smiling at the fact that you two were actually having a conversation.

No wonder she seemed nervous, he thought

"By the way, are you guys on break or am I just late?"

"Don't worry, we're on a break. Then later we'll just be doing a free practice."

A casual conversation with an angel felt so good. But then you remembered that you were sent there not just to flirt with a hot guy. "Oh! I would like to speak to your captain please. Sensei already gave me permission but he said to also ask the team."

His smile slowly faded as his face turned into an emotionless expression. "Our captain's kind of..." He turned to look at an owl looking silver haired guy sitting on the bench, staring blankly at nowhere like his regretting life or not being able to beat any blocks so didn't bother to ask for another toss. (you know what's happening here emoemoemo) "Not in the mood to talk."

"I see. What about the vice captain?" You looked at the black haired beauty again and so did he.

"You're talking to him. I'm Akaashi Keiji."

Woah. Such an enchanting name. It fit him perfectly. "You're a third year?" You asked.

"Second year." He said correctingly, his face still emotionless. He still looked stunning though.

"That's awesome. So uhm can you ask the team if I could watch and take some pictures?" You slightly held up your camera. "We want to feature you guys on our next week's issue."

"You should ask them. So that you can also introduce yourself."

Before you could even open your mouth to respond, he already called out for his teammates to come near by the gym door where you were still nervously standing. Now a group of sweaty athletic guys were surrounding you and you never felt so uncomfortable. They were so close observing you.

Akaashi noticed it and told the team to take it easy and move away a bit. It helped you of course and you thanked him. He nodded and made the 'introduce yourself' gesture which automatically made you smile at the volleyball club. You felt a little at ease knowing that Akaashi was there. You didn't know why though, maybe it was the feeling of trust. He seemed like a pretty nice guy after all.

"My name's L/N Y/N from class 1-4. I'm a new sports news writer for this school's newspaper. I was assigned on the volleyball section so expect my presence whenever you guys have a match or game." You said shyly yet with confidence. You felt excitement and nervousness but you were sure you would definitely love your new job.

You then heard woahs and amazed yells from the team.

"She might not be a manager but other teams would be really jealous!"

"So pretty..."

"L/N-san! You're cute as hell!"

These guys. You thought, sighing internally, feeling a bit flattered at their words.

"Alright." You heard Akaashi said to his teammates. "Coach will be back soon. Better get ready."

"Bokuto's still not ready though." One of his teammates pointed at their owl looking captain on the bench.

The said captain probably heard his name being said causing him to turn his head at you and the others, still with a blank expression. The other guys started to walk away while Akaashi walked with you to the bench. You gently held your camera for support. Then, you sat down beside the silver haired as he stared at you blankly.

"Are you Akaashi's girlfriend?" Bokuto asked sounding like a total robot. You blushed at his question and looked at the vice captain standing in front of you two with the same shade of red on his face.

"No, Bokuto-san. She just introduced herself a minute ago if you just listened." You could tell the black haired was a bit annoyed at his senpai. You were impressed on how the both of them could lessen their facial expressions.

"We just met earlier." You added as you chuckled a little.

"Oh." Said Bokuto. "But there's something about the way he looks at you."

Your heart suddenly fluttered at the captain's statement. "E-Eh?" Your blush turned into a deeper color of red and so did Akaashi.

"B-Bokuto-san, come on." The second year quickly grabbed the wild haired as they started walking towards their other teammates. Akaashi suddenly turned to you and spoke "I'll talk to you later, L/N." Then he looked away.

But what you didn't notice was the forming grin on his face.

How did our stupid captain notice the way I looked at her anyway? He thought.

Earlier at 5:35 pm
Akaashi Keiji's POV

I was walking towards our emotional captain when I suddenly noticed someone entering the gym entrance door... and I stopped just to look at her.

"Can I help you?" I automatically asked to the most stunning person that I've ever seen.

My heartbeat started racing when she stared at me. Her H/L H/C hair, soft lips, perfect face, and those enchanting E/C eyes.

I got lost in them so quickly. Lost and not ready to be found. I want to stay lost in them and discover new things, a lot of things about this precious beauty in front of me.

I've never seen a girl this beautiful.


I dunno what I just did but I hope you liked it :) fact: I think Akaashi is a prettier setter than Oikawa. I'm sorry. Don't kill me i'm already dead.

drown in your hands ; haikyuu x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora