three: the instrumental aspect

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Gerard perked up when I said my name and they all smiled at me, aside from Mikey who didn't even know who I was.

I suppose none of them really did, just that I almost got their friend and lead singer arrested after he bought alcohol for me yesterday.

"Hey! Whiskey girl. Good to see you again." I gave a real smile to Ray who so far seemed like the most talkative of all of them.

"Good to see you too."

After taking all of their drink orders I went to the back, getting two cokes and two cups of coffee before putting them on a tray and walking back out.

Gerard followed my movements with his eyes but still didn't make an effort to say anything.

"Why don't you take a seat and eat with us?" Gerard glared at Ray and Ray shrugged at him, pushing Mikey into the wall to make room for me.

"That'd be just fine, you can take your break now sugar." I pursed my lips as Trudy, my boss, winked at me after speaking for me. 

Couldn't really say no then could I.

I hesitantly took a seat beside Ray as one of my coworkers took our orders.

It was always odd to not be the one placing, not taking orders.

After he told us that it would be out soon a silence fell over our table.

Gerard cleared his throat and sighed before speaking to me, much to my surprise.

"You never responded earlier." I stared at him for a second or two before grabbing my drink and taking a sip of it.

"I didn't know what to say." Looks were shared by everyone else at the table.

They were probably wondering what Gerard was talking about and why there seemed to be a tension between us.

I didn't know exactly why we seemed so awkward myself but I'd imagine that it has something to do with the fact that the only interactions I've had with him so far were a total of maybe twenty words exchanged between the two of us and running from a cop together.

"I was just worried is all." I nodded at him slowly, trying to find something other than the guys to stare at.

Our food arrived and we started eating. I kept my head down for a bit, I had always been awkward eating in front of people I didn't know.

They seemed like nice people and all but the only thing I knew about them was that they're in a band.

"So...Alice? I think you said your name was Alice," I nodded at Frank when he began speaking to him letting him know that he was correct before he continued speaking.

"I heard you playing guitar the other day. A song by Green Day if I remember correctly. What kind of music are you into?" I swallowed my food and thought for a few moments.

Of course I wasn't about to say that I practically worshipped their band throughout my teen years, I'll just leave that part out.

"The basics you know? I like pretty much any type of alternative music, specifically punk from like the 80's and 90's." He smiled at me before responding.

"Yeah me too! The punk scene has always been pretty interesting to me and Mikes. Ray is more into metal and stuff right?" He looked at Ray who nodded, his hair bouncing around a bit when he did so.

I noticed he didn't say anything about Gerard but I would assume that he was into the same things seeing as how their band was obviously inspired by them.

Gerard looked like he was excited about the topic that we had began talking about and finally started contributing to the conversation.

"Yeah, we all love bands that fall under the alternative umbrella." It was a short set of words but I was happy to see him break out of his shell a bit.

It was kind of odd. Yesterday when he first sat down beside me he was more than eager to express how confident he was in himself when he assumed that I wanted a picture or something from him, but now he seems really quiet and to himself.

"Yeah I can tell. It's definitely  safe to say that My Chemical Romance falls into the category." I immediately shut myself up and blushed from embarrassment as they all gave me surprised looks.

"You listen to us?" Mikey gave me an amused look and I pursed my lips looking down at my food.

"Uh...yeah you could say that. I enjoy your albums and stuff." Gerard smirked at me and had a certain gleam in his eye.

"I knew it." I glared at him and folded my arms over my chest.

"Oh don't get so confident. I only really really listen for the instrumental aspect." I could tell they all knew it was bullshit but they laughed at my response.

"Yeah, sure."

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