Romance & Risking

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Chapter 12

Tonight was the final night before my surgery, Alan had woken me up early today and we had been go go go for the past twelve hours.

We went to breakfast together down the street, played hide and seek on the third floor, had lunch, took a nap in my room, and then dinner.

There was little room for me to even think about my surgery, Alan was doing an amazing job of keeping me preoccupied instead of sitting around and worrying all day.

Currently I was sitting alone in my room, I had changed out of my jeans and t shirt into some some shorts and an oversized hoodie.

Alan told me to wear something comfortable because we were going to just be relaxing for the rest of the night.

A knock made me jump and turn to my door, he stood there in his dark trousers and a button up shirt.

"Oh come on! You look nice," I rolled my eyes, next to him I looked like a toad.

"This is comfortable for me," he smiled, walking into the room and sitting down on the bed, "you ready to go?"

I could tell he was excited for whatever he had planned, but I kept quiet because I knew he loved surprising people.

That's one of the few things I definitely knew about Alan.


I sat down on the blanket next to Alan, our legs dangled off the side of the building.

My mind was at ease here, the amount of freedom I felt while staring down a 3 story high building was better than you would think.

The view was out onto the cornfields that I tried to make a dash to yesterday, I can't believe I wanted to get away from here. It made more sense to me now that I needed to stay.

I did really care for Alan, but there was some type of purpose out there for me. I don't know why, but being around Alan inspired me. Anytime I was with him my outlook on the world changed.

I scooted closer to Alan and leaned my head up to his chest.

My eyes began to shut when he started to play and twirl my hair, making me smile.

I felt him pick up and rotate me so that he could pull my legs up onto his lap, I was basically on top of Alan except my bottom.

"You're not going to run off again, are you?" He asked, brushing his hand up and down my back.

I shook my head no and dug myself deeper into his arms, "I'm right here," I whispered lightly. My voice was almost gone from the amount of talking I did earlier with Alan.

I was exhausted so everything coming out of my mouth was not really how I would normally act. I tried my best to say as little as possible.

"You left for two weeks," I felt his head drop down and rest against mine.

"I had to, you know that," we had already gone over this but he just kept bringing it back up to me, "If you really wanted, you could always come visit me. My apartment isn't that far away," I reminded him.

"I'll have to sometime, won't I?" He questioned himself, I nodded.

There was a long silence with the two of us sitting there. I had known Alan for less than 3 weeks and I already felt a stronger connection to him than anyone else in my life.

My entire life might change tomorrow, but the fact that I was perfectly fine with spending my night with someone while being quiet, on a roof, in a hospital was reassuring to me.

I didn't have to pretend to be something, or someone around him. He just wanted to make sure I was okay.

"When you're having your surgery tomorrow, I'll be preparing the biggest bowl of ice cream you can imagine," Alan muttered to me, the funniest part was that he was so incredibly serious about it.

"Even if I lose a leg, I'll have ice cream to look forward to," I laughed, leaning up and looking into his eyes.

They're were so bright and full of joy, but humble at the same time.

This man is doing so much within his time frame of life has had so many life experiences, but here he is. Sitting with an eighteen year old girl talking about ice cream.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked lightly, I knew he would always get upset or worked up whenever I asked this question but I truly didn't understand why.

"Why are you so nice to me?" He asked, this was the first time ever he had said something like this.

"It's only because you're really handsome," I joked, he seemed taken aback from this and began to laugh himself.

Alan didn't say anything, he sat there and watched me carefully like I was going to leave any second now.

Without any warning his lips were against mine, his hands held onto my cheeks and I couldn't pull back even if I wanted to.

But I really didn't want to.

My eyes fluttered shut and I held on by wrapping my arms around his neck, there wasn't a single thought running through my mind.

I would say it lasted a good thirty seconds before he finally allowed me to pull back, I needed some air.

"Were you trying to suffocate me?" Was the first thing I asked when Alan opened his eyes to look at me, pure joy filled his face and he began to laugh.

He leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine while still continuing to laugh.

"Forgive me, I've been wanting to do that for some time now," Alan spoke.

I felt the butterflies beginning to turn again, the amount of exhaustion I felt didn't stop the feelings I had for him.

"How long?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"Ever since I spotted you eating in the cafeteria in that hideous gown," once I began to laugh I could tell he felt a lot more comfortable with holding onto me still.

We sat up on the roof until two in the morning, hours before the surgery that could change my life for the better or for the worse.

And there wasn't a stressed bone in a body.

No pun intended.


this hasn't been edited yet so I'm terribly sorry for the typos. I probably won't be able to update for a few days (or a week or two) because of band. For the next two weeks starting on Monday I am busy every single day, so for the next couple of days (besides tomorrow, I have band tomorrow too) I will be TRYING to pre-write two chapters. Maybe I could upload once every week on like a specific day? That's what I'll do most likely, probably on Wednesday.

Thank you for reading all of that (if you did) and I'll be trying my best to keep you guys updated on what is going on :-)


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