Introduction: About Yves & Ian

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Yves and Ian were always together; the inseparable twins. Being the only twins in private school, they were subjected to bullying from the bigger kids, sometimes the younger ones would get scared of them and run off. It's not like they really wanted it to be that way, but the others just didn't understand -and probably never would.

As the twins got older, their bond became stronger, and people now ignored them as the twins did to the others. They aren't picked on as much and others didn't run away from being scared that there were two of them. elementary school had been the worst, middle school had been all right but now that they are in high school, life seems to be a bit easier for them.

At a young age, they made an agreement that no matter what, they would never leave each other. No matter what happened, they stuck to it. If one went somewhere, so did the other. If one ate something, the other would have the same thing -and the cycle went on. Yves and Ian only ever had each other and their parents to rely on.

Yves and Ian were two, very gorgeous boys and certainly took after their parents.When they were younger, they had the cutest rounded cheeks full of color, adorable little dimples in their cheeks when they smiled, shimmering gray eyes and lovely black hair that was soft like a duckling. Their smile now -even when they were younger- was dazzling as well, always showing warmth and happiness. But now, at the age of sixteen and in their sophomore yeah in high school, they've grown up so much. Their skin is flawless, but still has that wonderful rosy color in their cheeks. Ian has a single freckle under his left eye while Yves has one under his right. The boys' eyes are still bright and shimmering and resemble pools of silver in sunlight and is surrounded by long, thick black lashes. Their jaw line sharp and really emphasizes their face, too. Yves has his bangs parted to the left while Ian has his parted in the opposite direction. The twins are average height and have slender yet nicely toned frames. One would think that they would be very popular though.

To top it all off, they each have an ear pierced with a total of eight piercings; four for both. They did them together with a sterilized pin during middle school, thinking that it would help ease the pain of being rejected by the other kids. But soon after that though, other students started perceiving them as delinquents since it was so unheard of for male students to have ears pierced. That's where they began to truly no longer care about other students. They would be nice to those when having to interact with them for one reason or another, but nothing more ever developed between them and the rest.

On occasion nearing the end of middle school, the boys would get beat up and wouldn't be able to fight back. As much as they tried, they were always tossed back and forth between the students until they were left bruised and bloodied.

They never once had bad personalities, they were kind, considerate, and whenever someone needed help, they were there; the kids in school just never gave them a chance. Trust, honesty and patience were other things that their parents taught them that they have kept close at heart. As much as they tried to ignore the others, Ian and Yves wished from deep down that someone in school would accept them for who they are. 

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