are you a banana?

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hello, Momma's pizza at your service, what can I get you?

so you only do the phone?

not you again

yes, me again. Common babe, we all know you're happy that it's me

no, I'm actually not

Who can possibly not be happy to speak to me?

Well, as I dont know you I cant really tell if other people would want to

Trust me babe, everyone wants to talk to me

Okay, so what pizza do you want?

Something meaty

We have macaroni


I mean salami

Then where the hell did you get Macaroni from?!

I dont know! I just started this damn job!

Well, then you're not that good at this job

Yes, you mess up my time!

But you love it

I don't

Oh yes you do

No, I don't

Yes you d-

I'm not even starting this

So, are you a banana?

No, what the hell

Because you're so apPEELling

Ha ha, so funny

I know babe

Didn't you feel the sarcasm?

Babe, I don't want to feel the sarcasm, I want to feel you

Pizza Phone callWhere stories live. Discover now