you're a hottea

291 24 5

Hello Momma's pizza at your service! What can I get you? Todays special pizza is macaroni. A delicious pizza topped with macaroni.

So now there is a macaroni pizza?

Yes, my boss heard it and made one. It turned out pretty good

You have a nice ass

How the fuck do you know how my ass looks like

I was yesterday at the shop


You served me

You are kidding me, right?

No, Martina Stoessel

Stalker much, Boo

I must admit, baby, it hurts to know you lied

About what?

The fact that you only do the phone

I do, I took over a co-worker's shift yesterday

Lucky me than

I guess so

Hey Baby


Is your mom a teacup?

No, why?

Because you're a hottea

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