Author's note:

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Hey guys its Lailah here, so from July 11th to about the 26th I won't be able to publish any chapters because we will be staying with my aunt in Colorado and she has no wifi or service. They have a landline. So ya. But by the second week we will be staying with my grandparents who are also in Colorado and they have service but I can't make any promises on publishing.

So sorry to leave you guys hanging especially since the story is getting heated and we are diving deeper into Bailey's past but ya.

Just wanted to let you guys know so you didn't think I fell off the face of the earth ;).

But I promise when I get back I will work extra hard to get chapters out to you guys so don't worry :).
In the mean time while I'm in Colorado if you want good stories while you wait then I strongly suggest my good friend Magpiethemagnificent and a really good author who's storys I love which she is buckiplier. Also my very good friend who I'm super close to, she is a new writer so she doesn't have much published but she has rely great potential. Her username is reader1459.

So those are some people who I think you'll like :).

And maybe but no promises I might be able to publish one more chapter after this before I leave but no promises. Alright guys so that's it and if I don't get another chapter after this note then I will see you guys on the 26th! :). (Or 27th :/ )

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