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Yo! Minna! I was suppose to post this earlier, but I accidentaly deleted the first draft of this chapter!! And oh! I regreted it, so much!!!!! Good thing it was only one page and a half. If it was more than that, I would feel bad for a long time, and when I say a long time, I mean, a little as less that ten minutes.

Man! I tried to help someone and in the end he/ she ( sorry can't give you the gender) punched me real hard. It didn't hurt, but that someone was real close to me. And coming from them ( I'll just say them instead of him or her. ) it kinda cuts through deep.

Oh! And if anyone, I'm refering to someone here who reads this! Insults because of my height. I will hate him, or her. Well, of coures not my family members cuz' I know they won't do that to me.

But the ones at school! You reading this?! You know who you are! I've forgiven you, but pray forgiveness to God cuz' you have commited a sin against me,hehe. If you ever do that again! I might not forget it!

And when I'm at school, don't ask me who she or he is! Okay? Or I'll have a bad mood.

Anyway.....please....enjoy......this chapter...I'm saying this in a depressed tone.



The door suddenly flew open, and it was Meredy. Her face, she looked serious in a way I don't like.

"Jellal, something happened to Fairy Tail......" She said, breathing heavily, her bangs covering her her eyes, sweat dripping, tears trickling down her face. I wanted to know who the killer looked like in Lucy's point of view, but I just can't go......Not in the state I'm in right now.

It's like my existence disappeared with Erza's death.

"Sorry, Meredy, but, I just can't go." I said. I don't even want to talk to someone right now.

I sat there, keeping a hold of myself. Any moment now, I might burst into tears, everytime I would hear the word "Fairy Tail" memories of her seems to flood back into my heart and mind About Erza.

"But, they need all the help they could get! Come on! Jella!!" Meredy Exclaimed with a helpless and desperate tone.

"I'm sorry Meredy I don't want to!!" I shouted. The fact that she's gone, after that day, something inside me just broke, collapsed in pieces, until now my question is. What is that something?

She looked down, clenched her fist tighter in anger. The she looked up with teary eyes and a forced smile.

"Jellal, for Erza's sake. Their her guildmates, try to help them" she said. Then she gave me a sad and pitiful look. "They feel that same sorrow in them, just as much as you do, Jellal."

Then she turned her back on me and closed the door silently.

Guilt striked me like an arrow. I know Meredy had a point, but I don't know if I can bear seeing where Erza was before. The guild where Erza defeated a hundred demons just to make that guild number one in Fiore. If Erza loves that guild so much, then I'll do everything to help them. I decided to go and help whatever problem they had now.

I ran to the door, opened it, And I saw Meredy standing beside the door, giving me a warm smile.

"I knew you would help them." She said then she giggled while she wipes her tears.

When we arrived at Fairy Tail every one was looking disappointed. The whole guildhouse was silent.

"I'm just going to Mira, okay?" Said Meredy, sounding heavyhearted and she ran towards Mira who was crying with the other girls. Then the doors of master makarov's office flew open. All of the people in the guild darted their eyes straight to who opened the door, Natsu.

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