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You awoke to the sight of a bright light, dangling from the sealing. You turned your head to find that the walls were torn and bloody hand prints covered a quarter of each side. You was wearing a white robe kind of like the robes that hospitals have but not greenish.

You struggled to move but you soon realised that your wrists were cuffed to the bed, *dang it* You thought. *click* you heard the noise of the metal door open and as a figure appeared at the door, it was wearing white and had a little pocket near its chest with pens in it.

"Where am I?!" Was all you could say, when the figure had reached you trepidation filled your head. "Your in a mental hospital, Y/N" he said lifting up the clipboard on the table next to the bed.

"I'm afraid you have been diagnosed with anformal disease which is uncureable, also don't try anything stupid. This mental hospital or should I say mental asylum is authorised to shoot any disobedient patients. Also you will not be leaving this hospital but you will we brought outside or to the food hall to meet everyone else, later" he exclaimed writing on the paper on top of the clipboard.

He turned around and headed towards the door, and when he was finally gone the cuffs around my wrists unhooked. "All patients must make there way to the feeding hall" said the lady on the speaker.

"Huh" you said heading towards the door as it opened. As you took my first step outside the sell you looked to you right and saw the sign that said the feeding hall, and to you left were all the other patient cells. "Hey you" said a voice in front of you, when you finally looked in front of yourself you saw a boy. Blonde haired and about the same age and height as you.

"Yeah you, I can see your not like the other patients" he said holding your hand and taking you towards the feeding hall.

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