Iceland's Ending

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There are five minutes and I'm panicking.I read the letters and one made me stop and automatically choose someone.

Dear (Y/N),

(Y/N) I know we haven't known each other for long,but....this sounds childish...I love you ok?You don't act childish so this might seem weird but....If you love me too,meet me by the ice sculpture.So yeah.....



I looked at the time to see I had two minutes to get to him.I stood up and dashed over to him.I started to hear the countdown when he was almost right in front of me.

Crap I tripped!

I crashed into him and we were both on the ground,I was on top of him.

"What the.....hey (Y/N)...."

I noticed him blushing and I heard the countdown continue.


I'll tell him with no words.

Gazed into his eyes and leaned closer to him to kiss him.


I crashed my lips onto his and loved it.

I backed off so we could stand up and he pulled he in for another kiss.

"Emil,I love you too.And it's not childish."

"Well then I love you too....."

His expression was showing that he still couldn't believe it.



We spent the rest of the night eating licorice and cuddling on the bench near us,having the firework's light rain down upon us.

Shattered Glass(Nordics x reader)Where stories live. Discover now