Ch.8 Saving the Lives we Lost

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After the Nordics had brought you home,They also brought Cameron and Violet,Because Lukas said he had a plea to save and heal all of them.Including Berwald and Emil.

"What do you mean we can save them?One was shot in the head the other the neck.Tell me."

"Well I called my friends Author and Vladimir to help with this.I will teach you to heal Berwald and my brother."

"But they are dead.Do you know what that means?You can't just jump start them again.I've experienced it enough to know this myself."

*knock knock*

"You called us Lukas?Im always here to help!~"

"Vladimir calm down.What did you need us for Lukas?Your magic not strong enough?"

"I'll smack you later but I need you two to help me.Come inside."

Vladimir came in and looked at me with a smirk.

"Oh Lukas you got a wife?"


"Sorry I asked...."

"Ok so what are doing tod-......WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!!"

Arthur's expression was shocked at what he was looking at.He saw the two bodies laying in two beds.

"Are you trying to......."

Arthur saw the look in Lukas's eyes that showed he was serious about whatever he was doing.

"This will take some time to prep."

"Vladimir.Teach (Y/N) healing magic.Ro help Berwald and Emil."

"What they are hurt too?What did you guys do?Invade a fortress?"

"...Just teach her..."

"Fine here.Can you show me where their rooms are?"

I nodded my head and went to Emil's room first.

"How long have you been with them for?"

"Oh um not long......not even a week...."

"Really?Lukas must really like you..."

My face turns bright red as he says that.

I showed him Emil,who was passed out and bleeding heavily.

"Ok I'll teach you healing magic.Its my specialty~"He said winking at me.

I turned my bracelet into my wand and followed his instructions.

"First off you have to be happy.Then,gather energy from the forest.Finally,release the energy at your target.Watch me!~"

He took out his wand and started turning a bright green.He smiled and then released a beam of light at Emil.

The blood around him went away and the wound in his abdomen healed as well.

"We'll all he needs is rest now.Give him like a day.Want to try it on Berwald?"

"Uhh I don't know...."

"Come on!Where is his room?Oh wait it's down stairs isn't it?"


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