Ch.24 The Seperation Factor

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4 days until party

Mathias's POV

Wahhhhhhh!Why did (Y/N) go to Poland's?!?!

I was at America's house with Cameron and him.I was drinking all of the beers to make up for us separating.

"Dude slow down!Thats your 11th beer!"

"I'm fine!"

"Dude your not.Whats up?"


"Is it that (Y/N) chick?"


"Ok whatever dude."

It was about (Y/N).Ok I have my letter for New Year's Eve.Im the king why would she reject me?Exactly she won't!

"I mean like I love her so much why would she go for someone else?"

"What?You love (Y/N)?"

"Yeah I do!*hic* so don't go after her!"

"No dude I'll go for Belarus maybe."

"She is crazy though man!"

"But that's what I like dude!She isn't boring like most girls."

Belarus is Russia's little sister.Her,Russia and Sweden are part of the creepy trio!It makes sense though,Sve is pretty creepy with his staring.He always looks so......angry.

See my (Y/N) isn't like that, she is classy.Yeah....classy.Time for more drinks!

Cameron's POV

  I looked over at the kitchen to see Mathias and Alfred talking.Mathias was drunk talking about Belarus and (Y/N).

I had to make a new letter for
(Y/N),sealed with a heart again.

Okokokokokokokokokok!New Years Eve!

That is when my sweetheart will be in my arms for the fireworks.*sigh*The time will come soon.

I wish I could just impress her,so she would fall for me more.She might just be too perfect for me!Man......I should have stayed at Poland's with her.....Damn.

Lukas's POV

"What's wrong old chap?Something wrong?"Arthur was there trying to find out what's wrong.He wouldn't understand.

"Do you know what it's like?"

"What what is like?"

"To love someone?"

"....wait.Dont tell me."


"Do you love Mathias?"

"What?Im not.....No!I love (Y/N)!"

"Oh ok."

"I've never felt this way before so.......what do I do?"

"You have 4 days relax.Need a drink?"


Emil's POV

Poland is so lucky,getting to spend this mush time with (Y/N).......No I need to stop doing that.Im getting jealous for no reason.

"Iceland you ok?You dazed out."

"Oh yeah I'm good."

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