Life saver (Part 1)

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Summary: AU. Where teenagers, Nathanael, Juleka and Rose head to the beach. Nathanael can't swim, which his two best friends don't know. Nathanael nearly drowns, only to be saved by a life guard, who just so happens to have blue hair and blue bell eyes.

Rinku: I went to the beach a few days ago, and this idea popped into my head, so I finally wrote it! Enjoy!
"C'mon Nathanael! Jump in, the waters great!" Rose waved him over from her spot in the ocean.

Juleka who was swimming next to Rose also waved him in.

The tomato head wasn't even knees deep in water, and was wondering why he bothered to go with his best friends to the beach, when he knew full well he couldn't swim.

They didn't know though.

As to why they didn't know was because Nathanael thought it would be embarrassing to just say, out of the blue 'I can't swim'.

It was embarrassing enough that he was shirtless, due to both his best friends making him discard his shirt.

And it made him self conscious to be in such a state in public.

After all, he was the type of person who avoided showing so much skin.

And being at the beach, shirtless, made him want to die.

Nathanael rubbed his arms nervously, feeling eyes on him.

'Why did I come along?' Nathanael thought nervously, feeling the wet sand on his feet.

He absolutely hated water, due to almost drowning in pools when he was younger, trying to learn how to swim. After his ninth time of almost drowning, he gave up on learning.

But his best friends knew exactly what to say to convince him.

With a sigh, he stepped deeper into the water until the water was around his waist.

"C'mon Nathanael!" Rose yelled, swimming to him and grabbing his left arm. "The water's great!"

Nathanael then tensed, feeling that something was watching him.

That something were males around him,some glaring daggers at him, while some shot him a look of envy.

Lucky, was what they all thought.

"I-I don't know Rose, the waves seem to grow bigger." Nathanael said, digging his feet into the sand.

"Don't worry Nathanael, you'll be just fine!" Rose smiled, pulling on his left arm, yet not budging him.

Juleka, who was swimming, made her way to them, wanting Nathanael to join them in the water. She grabbed his right arm, and began tugging him towards the ocean. "C'mon Nath, the waters great! You came to swim after all."

Those who had shot the tomato head a look of envy were now shooting him daggers.

Nathanael gulped nervously, but let himself be pulled into the direction of the ocean until the water was up to his neck.

Both his best friends let go of his arms and began to swim, leaving the tomato head to try to float.

Rose dived into the water, and swam back up, shaking her head while laughing. "This water feels great!"

Juleka grinned. "Just wait until the water dries, and you're going to be panicking over your hair Rose."

"I won't!" Rose swam over to Juleka and pushed her down into the salty water.

Juleka pushed her off and sputtered. "Rose! I got salt water in my mouth!" She spat out water.

Rose just laughed.

All the while Nathanael was struggling to keep his head afloat.

'WHY DID I AGREE TO COME ALONG?!?!' Nathanael screamed inwardly, salt water filling his nose for a second.

Then he heard the sound of a whistle before everything went black.

To be continued...


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