3 - Tension

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Paul had returned to work the next day, a cigarette in his mouth. He let some smoke from his mouth as he went into his boss's office.

"Morning, boss. What's my agenda?"

Tord didn't respond with just utmost sarcasm, which he usually did, and seemed more harsh than usual.

"Alright, first I want to address something with you." Tord told him.

"What do you mean?" Paul asked, looking extremely confused. The mannerisms were making him scared.

"I have received word from some lady at the shop yesterday that you were with a certain someone, Patryk." The leader spoke, turning around to face him.

Paul sweat up a storm, trying his best not to blush. "Y-yes." He replied.

"And she said you were doing some questionable things to him, like hugging him." Tord began, getting out of his seat. This meant trouble.

Paul tried to hold everything together. "...yyyyes." He nodded, his heart jumping to his throat.

"So I have one question to ask you." Tord then looked at him right in the eye. "Are you two dating?"

Paul laughed at his question nervously. "What, dating? This has got to be the stupidest question I've ever received in my life-"

"Are you two dating?" He asked, in a much more harsh manner than two seconds ago.

Paul looked a little worried, his shoulders and eyebrows tensing up, then he sighed, mustering up the courage to say the truth. "...yes, yes we are..."

Tord gave him a sly smirk as he reached for the neck of his turtleneck, then stopped to stare at him in the eyes.

"Oh no..." Paul uttered to himself, looking down at Tord's hand, then back up at him. The poor man was terrified.

Tord gripped his turtleneck tighter, then chuckling to himself. It sounded a bit jolly. As if he'd suspected his crush for ages. "Kinda proud of you, y'know?" Tord gave him a pat on the back.

Paul then sighed in relief, smiling at his boss. "Thank you, sir."

"No prob. He's yours now. I don't want you to have to fight for him now." Tord pushed him out of his office. Paul was very flustered in the face as he went out, trying to hide his face.

Patryk had been walking around with a gun in his hands, just in case anyone tried to jump him. From his own base? Patryk, you silly.

Paul pulled out his phone immediately and started to call Pat. Patryk answered the phone almost instantly because he knew who it was.


"Hey, uh, boss knows about us now..."

Patryk gasped to himself, wondering if it were true.

"What do you mean Paul?"

"He knows we're dating now, I had no choice but to tell him."

"It's...not the end of the world right?"

"He seemed to take it quite well..." Paul smiled.

"Oh ok good. I'll see you when I'm done with my patrolling shift." Patryk told him.

"Ok bye! Love you!" Paul told into the phone.

"Love you too!"

Then Patryk hung up, making Paul flare up with a blush, giggling to himself. He's such a dork sometimes.

Tord chuckled to himself as he watched now low-key hentai from his laptop, smirking. Paul barged in, walking into his office. "Hey boss!" "Gah!" Tord struggled to close the computer screen and smiled at Paul.

"What are you doing here??" Tord asked him, a nervousness in his voice as he thought Paul caught him. Which he didn't.

"I'm just here for any jobs that I can do until 7, Patryk gets off of patrolling duty by then." Paul then blushed when Patryk was mentioned.

Tord smiled as he stood up, walking around his desk. "You can test-fire guns that just came in, because, I dunno, I just want to see if the ones who made it were diligent and actually good."

"Leave it to me sir!" Paul saluted him as he marched out of the office, smiling dreamily. He thought about coming over to Patryk's apartment sometime and having a sleepover, and he imagined them cuddling and kissing together... Oh man, would that be fun.

Paul had been handling the guns while thinking of Patryk, and he was smiling the whole time. He started dancing with one of them, then placed it against him. "Oh Pat~" Then he accidentally shot himself in the crotch. I think he deserved that. He was lucky that wasn't a powerful gun. "Ow! Ow!"

Take 2:
Paul had been handling the guns while thinking of Patryk, and he was smiling the whole time. He started dancing with one of them, then placed it against him. "Oh Pat~" Then he snapped out of it, smiling a little as he shot the target with it. "Whoa, this thing is really powerful.. Wouldn't want to shoot myself with this." Oh the irony...

Paul smiled as he tested some of the others out, and by the time he tested all of them, it was 7:02.

"Aw shit I'm late..." Paul then sighed and ran to Pat's sentry station, trying to find him. Patryk was behind him, wanting to surprise him. Paul went forward and began to look for Pat, not knowing his presence was right behind him.

Patryk gave him some time looking for him, then tapped his shoulder, screaming: "Boo!"

Paul gasped, jumping a little as he turned to Patryk, hugging him tight. Then he kissed Pat's cheek as he let go, both smiling. The day was over and they were about to go home, but Paul stopped him.

"Hey, uh, Patryk?" He asked, Patryk raising an eyebrow and going over to him.

"What is it Paul?" He asked, getting flustered in the face.

Paul took a deep breath before he did what he was about to do. He kissed Patryk on the lips, who widened his eyes and kissed back. The kiss was very passionate and came from the heart, both smiling after. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds before the two let go of their lips.

Paul smiled big at Patryk, who was still flustered by it. Paul hugged him and Patryk kissed his cheek, smiling at him. They both were joyful in this event, so they hugged for a very long time before letting go. Paul kissed his cheek back as he waved at him, going to his apartment. Patryk was still flustered, as this happened surprisedly, but went to his apartment, smiling in a flustered manner.

He went and FaceTimed Paul, chuckling to himself. They almost talked for an hour before Pat got tired and put his phone on the charger. He kissed at the camera and smiled. "Night, Paul, I love you."

"I love you too Paul, more that you realize. Goodnight." Paul kissed at the camera as well, smiling as the tired Patryk tucked himself in. "You're really cute when you're tired, you know that?"

"Aww, Paul, I wish I could hug you right now." Patryk chuckled to himself as he blushed a little, then he turned to the camera. "Alright, goodnight Paul."

"Goodnight, Patryk. I love you"

"I love you too."

The both of them went to sleep. Aren't these two just the cutest couple ever? (internal screaming)

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